Run for Your Life...: Part 3

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It had been a few days and we'd found "Terminator" as we liked to call him.

I was sitting in the truck, watching him enter a bar in Colorado. We'd tracked him down and now we decided having someone watch him was the best idea. I was the obvious one to go and volunteer, if he did anything and I had to intervene I'd at least be alive at the end of it all, as much as Dean, Cas, Jack, and Sam hated the thought of me being beaten so badly I could hardly breathe, they agreed that I was the best fit for the job.

As I watched him through the window of the bar he was at, wearing a blue and green flannel Sam lent me and a white v neck T-shirt with light blue jeans and black combat boots with a grey baseball cap to cover my face as much as possible, a pair of aviator sunglasses covering my eyes, Dean spoke through my phone sitting on the dashboard, on speaker.

"You got eyes on terminator?" Dean asked.

"Yep, and he looks like a bitch." I said, smiling softly to myself at the reference

Dean chuckled softly, "Alright Jules Winnfield, tell me what he's doing." He said.

"Nothing, just getting a drink. You'd think a guy who could kill people with his bare hands wouldn't act so normal." I said.

Dean scoffed, "Tell me about it."

I watched him through the window until he set his drink down and paid, walking out of the bar and across the street in front of my car and to the alley next to me.

He leaned against the wall there until a man came out of the antique store next to him and he put a hand on his shoulder.

The monster said something to him I couldn't hear and instantly the guy he pulled aside went pale, terror in his eyes.

The monster guided him into the alley by the shoulder.

"Shit." I cursed as I threw my door open and grabbed the sniper rifle I brought from the back seat, assembled and ready incase I needed it.

"What? What happened?" Dean asked hurriedly, still on the line with the others while they researched at the bunker.

"If you don't hear from me in a few minutes expect me to be beaten to a pulp." I said as I cocked the sniper rifle and ran around the truck as I leveled the sniper at the monsters back as he guided the guy down the alley.

"Hey! Arnold!" I called.

Terminator turned to look at me as I leveled the shot and pulled the trigger.

The sound of the sniper ejecting the bullet split through the air and the shot hit him clean in the center of the forehead.

It his him so hard and from such close range he was thrown onto his back on the ground.

I lowered the sniper, the monster wasn't moving.

I looked at the guy Terminator had pulled into the alley and motioned with my head for him to go.

"Go, and don't even think about telling anyone about him or me." I said.

He nodded and ran past me, looking horrified as he ran hard.

I slung the strap of the sniper rifle over my shoulder, we'd decided the gun that would take him out without blowing everything up in a large radius would be a sniper rifle, and it looked like it worked.

Terminator wasn't getting up.

I turned to leave back to the truck and I made it to the passenger side door as I pulled the sniper rifle from my shoulder and put it in the passenger seat, turning to walk around the front of the truck.

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