War...: Part 2

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We were back at the bunker, it had been three days since we got back from the hunt we went on to try and get the rings back.

Jae and Dean were out on a run.

Jae and I had called mom and Jody and told them that BJ would be safer with them until we could get the horsemen under wraps again, and Jae and I hoped it would be soon, neither of us wanted to leave BJ for long, especially after I'd left him to find Jae in the pit and when she hadn't seen him from her time in the pit.

Jae and Dean got back from their run and as they came in from the garage they were arguing.

"No. That's not the reason, it's because I didn't know what I was looking at." Jae said.

"Oh, really? You keep telling yourself that." He said.

Jae scoffed but didn't shoot anything back at him.

They were hostile toward each other and as I watched them both I didn't know why they were so mad, they argued sometimes, but they never got this mad as to ignore each other completely. Their arguments usually just ended in laughing over it and joking around.

Jae didn't even look at Dean and he glared constantly at her for about half an hour until I decided to ask them about it.

"What's up with you two? Ever since you got back from that run you've been at each other's throats. What happened?" I asked as they sat at the library table.

Dean looked at me and shook his head, looking pissed and annoyed.

"Well, I bet you can guess, genius, with that huge brain of yours. Your wife sucks Sam! She's a bitch and you know it!" He said angrily.

"Oh, I'm the bitch?! You're the one acting like a complete douche bag constantly who hides behind his big tough ego to hide how much of a coward he is!" Jae shot back.

Dean stood up, putting his hands on the table as he leaned toward her, murder in his eyes.

"I'm the coward?! You're the one who threw themselves in the pit because they couldn't take the failure of shooting their brother in law!" He shouted.

Jae stood up too and looked at him.

"Oh really? Last time I checked I did that because you made a jack ass deal with a demon so they could have your soul, real smooth move. " Jae spat.

"Shut your damn mouth!" He shouted, pointing a finger in her face.

"What? Did I hurt your feelings? Poor dean, always too stuck up for your own good and too tender to be talked to in a stern tone of voice because your daddy did that to you when you were little, didn't he? And it scares you. It hurts your feelings doesn't it when anyone talks to you like that." She taunted.

Jae walked around the table as she spoke and stood face to face with Dean.

"I'll show you hurt feelings! After all you're nothing special except that immortal touch you got, and without it you're just a dumb pretty faced bitch. If you weren't immortal then you'd just be another thing to scrape off the bottom of my shoe and right now you are." He said.

"Shut your mouth you dick faced bastard, I'm the one who's pulled your ass out of a whole lot of rough spots that you never even thanked me for! " Jae shouted.

"Oh, yeah, you wanna know why I didn't thank you? Because you're nothing but a meat shield, that's all you've ever been. It's your job to take the shots but it's not your job to try and force yourself in our lives like you did!" Dean shouted.

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