Back In The Field...: Part 3

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Dean POV

We'd dropped BJ off with Jody and the girls and the whole drive to Pennsylvania I didn't talk to Jae, I was pissed that she was doing this. She would be in danger the entire time and if even one thing got screwed up she'd be dead in seconds, she could fight better than anyone but not against three hundred monsters and demons, we wouldn't be able to get to her in time to help either if things went wrong.

I didn't want her dying again because Sam couldn't take that and honestly I couldn't take it either, she meant too much to both of us.

We got to a hotel that Ketch had booked rooms for us in. Rowena had a room and Ketch had one too while Cas, Jack, and I shared a room and Jae and Sam shared one.

We all met in Ketch's room and went over the plan.

"You'll have the same earpiece and we'll put a camera on your dress, we'll see everything you see as well as the viewpoint from the security cameras in the building. You won't be able to bring any weapons in through the front door but I've already planted a gun for you inside, I'll guide you to it when you get in. You'll have to sell your character, the demon you'll be posing as is one of the more cruel hearted ones and she doesn't care for anyone but herself. She's self centered and would kill any amount of demons to bring the horsemen back, she's loyal to them and most of all the demon who holds the rings now and is running the party, Flauros. He is cunning and a skilled lier, but he won't lie to you, the demon you will be posing as, Obizuth, is his lover and he is loyal to her and will give you whatever you please, giving you an upper hand on getting the rings." Ketch said.

"So she's going as a demon who is having a steamy relationship with the demon running the whole show? Ketch, she's the first Lady, she'll be in the spotlight." I said.

He nodded, "That's why she'll have to play her part well." He said.

I threw my hands in the air as I looked away, I was nervous and scared for her.

"And you're still okay with this?" I asked Sam as I looked at him, angry.

He nodded, "Yeah." He said.

I stared at him. "You've got to be kidding me, how could you ever be okay with this!?" I shouted.

"Because it's her choice, Dean." Sam said.

"Oh yeah?..." I asked mockingly and in disbelief that he would ever be okay with this.

I looked at the room of them all, "Is anyone but me not okay with this?" I asked.

None of them spoke up, they were all on her side with going through with this plan.

I scoffed and left the room, slamming the door behind me hard.

I stood in the hall, pacing, how could I let her go through with this? How could any of them, especially Sam, let her?

The door to Ketch's room opened and closed and Jae walked up and sat next to me where I sat at the window seat at the end of the hall by the elevator, thinking.

She just sat next to me for a few minutes in silence and then I spoke up.

I sat up a little straighter and shook my head, looking over at her.

"Jae, I'm not going to watch you do this." I said.

She looked at me and I ran my hands over my face as I let out a stressed breath.

"You can't do this to us, you can't do this to me." I said.

I looked down again and felt tears sting my eyes as I took in a shaky breath. The tears swelled up and started to spill over as I looked up at the empty hall again, Jae just watching me as I cried, comfort in her eyes.

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