Famine...: Part 3

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We drove in the Impala after locking Jack in his room and making sure Sam was secure in the dungeon.

I was waiting to feel worse, the sorrow and pain to start eating away at me again while I played the hot and cold game to try and find Famine.

As we drove down by the bar in town it got worse, my heart aching painfully.

"Here. He's inside the bar." I groaned as I looked at Cas and Dean.

Dean pulled up and parked. Several demons were waiting out front for us.

"We'll take it from here, you just lay back and don't die of a heart attack just yet." Dean said.

I nodded as I leaned against the window in the backseat and Dean and Cas got out of the car, walking up to the demons in the front and killing them.

I watched through the windows as Cas and Dean fought through more demons and a few other monsters, vamps and ghouls mostly.

They fell out of my view and I sat up, waiting for them to get back.

The sorrow I felt was pounding at my heart, making it hard to breathe as I put a hand to my chest, try to somehow eleviate the pain that much sorrow caused me.

I waited for several minutes until I was sure something had gone wrong. I painfully got up and walked inside, clutching at my heart as the pain worsened, Famine was here alright.

Dean POV

Cas and I had been going strong until we were overpowered by another wave of monsters and demons.

We were brought to Famine and he looked at us, unconcerned, still in the same wheelchair as before.

"Dean, I've been expecting you. And Castiel, your vessel is no longer occupied, so I have no affect on you, that is a surprise, but I can work with that hiccup." Famine said.

"So, what now? We going to get weird or bloody?" I said.

"Dean, I don't think it's a good time for dirty humor." Cas said.

"Are you kidding? It's always a good time for dirty humor." I smirked.

"You can feel it Dean, a little bit of hunger. You've come a long way since the last time I saw you, you've gained a little more of that life inside you." Famine said.

"I'm confused, are we going to keep talking or get down to the good stuff?" I asked.

"I think I'll wait for a while on you Dean." He said.

The door was thrown open and Jae stumbled in, firing on the demons around her as she held a pistol out.

"Duck." She said to me and Cas and we hit the floor, pulling out of the arms of the demons around us.

She fired on all of them and as she did I lunged for Famine's ring.

A demon tackled into me before I could reach it and as Jae stopped firing as she ran out of bullets Famine put a hand up to her and she gasped.

She fell to her knees and dropped her pistol, clutching at her chest above her heart as she grimaced in pain, struggling to breathe.

Famine motioned for one of the few remaining demons to go grab her and they dragged her toward him.

They dropped her on the floor in front of Famine and she huddled there on her back.

"You however, haven't changed a bit. Although you do hunger for more than just peace... You want to feel something other than pain, what you went through in hell haunts you, doesn't it? All you feel is pain and emptiness, that demon carved into your soul and you just barely hung on to your humanity, but you can't feel things as deeply as you used to... And that hurts doesn't it? That emptiness where you used to feel so much hurts." Famine said.

"Let me help you feel a little more." He said as he leaned down slowly and touched her chest.

She arched her back as tears started streaming down her face and she started sobbing silently with an overload of pain and sorrow.

Jae looked over at me as I stared ar her, pain and sorrow of my own for her showing in my eyes.

She laid there as Famine sat back up and looked at Cas and I.

"Where is your brother Dean? I was hoping to see him again." Famine said.

I saw Jae slowly reaching for her knife in her pocket as Famine and the other demons were distracted.

I had to talk him out of seeing it, keep his attention on me.

"He's messed up again because of your dick bag ass." I said.

Famine smiled slightly, "That hurts for you to see him like that doesn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah. But it doesn't hurt as much as this will." I said as Jae slid her switchblade across the floor to me and I lunged at Famine, as Cas tackled the demon who had been holding me down to the ground and I grabbed Famine's fingers, cutting them off with Jae's switchblade.

Famine cried out and as his finger with the ring fell to the floor Jae took in a deep breathe, back to normal again as she grabbed the ring off his finger before another demon could, kicking him hard in the chest and forcing him back.

famine vanished and the demons in the room with us smoked out.

I walked to Jae and helped her up by the hand, wiping off her switchblade on the jacket of a dead demons meat suit and flipping it closed, handing it to her.

"Thanks for coming in after us." I said.

She nodded, wiping the tears from her face and eyes as the three of us went back to the bunker.

Jae went into the dungeon with us as we went to free Sam.

He looked up at her as he stood from the chair he'd been chained to and didn't want to touch her.

"Jae... I'm so sorry." He said breathlessly.

She nodded, "I know. It's okay, it wasn't your fault." She said softly.

He hesitantly walked closer to her, as if expecting her to back away but she walked forward and embraced him tightly. He burried his face in her hair and sniffled, sobbing softly as he cried into her.

I put a hand on Cas's shoulder and motioned for us to leave as Jae pulled away from Sam and took his face in her hands, kissing him gently.

We walked out and closed the door to give them some privacy.

It took a lot of courage for Jae to face Sam and treat him like that again after what he did, but she knew it wasn't him, and the fact that she even touched him or showed him any affection after that made me love her even more, she'd forgiven my brother in a heartbeat and that just showed how much she really loved him. And how guilty Sam had felt and how much he'd sobbed for treating her like that and how he had gone to chain himself down after it showed that he loved her just as much.

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