Authors Note

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Hey everyone! Thanks again for all your support!

A few quick shout outs before I get to the meat of this note 😂

they_wanted_heaven for their comments on my earlier chapters and their reads (btw I f*cking love your comments, they're hilarious and I love reading them 😂). ❤❤❤

Coribell16 for their tons of reads, you're cruising through it and I hope that means you're loving it 😂. ❤❤❤

emma232421 for their recent comments (again I love comments, they're like ice cream to me and I legit can't get enough ice cream 😅). ❤❤❤

spn-4-life for their votes and reads (you're doing a lot of reading too 😂 + your username is beautiful and I'm sure everyone who reads this book agrees👍😂). ❤❤❤

And finally to the long time supporters who've read this book either from the beginning ( Cherrhead ❤❤❤), have supported it from the very first chapter they read (nekoneko33 ❤❤❤, beanie8 ❤❤❤, mariahmaxwell3 ❤❤❤, sxrahluvgood ❤❤❤) , or have just been here a while but literally never miss an update (amazing-galaxy ❤❤❤) .

Thank you all so much for your continued support! And I love all of you (even those I didn't shout out this time around) and you're all amazing and gorgeous human beings!

Anyway, here's the real reason I'm making another authors note:

1. I'm hoping you all still enjoy it and tell me what you think by commenting here (honesty is best even if it's hard truths and yes I know it's getting LOOOOOONG).

2. I'm wondering if you all would like to see a few chapters dedicated to nothing but a few of the love notes from Sam to Jae he gave her since you didn't get to read any of them (spoilers for those who aren't caught up yet, but not major spoiler, so calm down 😂... P.S. I love you, forgive me for teasing you❤❤❤).

3. I have an announcement/critical point for both Sam and Jae to meet in a chapter coming up that needs to happen before the season 15 update dump in May so hold on for that (key word...***y... Just kidding, I'm not giving anything away, take what you will from the lonely 'y' I know some people hate spoilers 😂)

4. I think the last updates I'll do before season 15 will be the love letters (if you want to see them) and the chapter with the announcement/critical point for Sam and Jae. I'm kinda sad to stop but I'm getting to the point that all ideas are literally just to write something and now something I really think would be good for the story (plus this book is literally 282 parts long by the time this authors note is released and some people get cranky at 100 - not talking about any of you - but there's still all of season 15 to write in when it all releases in May and I've already got ideas for that).

So with those points said I'm going to do the occasional updates for love letters (again, if you want to see them, also don't worry I'm planning on bringing the letters Jae wrote to Sam into season 15) and the "critical point" and then take a break from this story until season 15, and then I will probably say goodbye to the world I've created here, which literally breaks my heart to think about, but everything ends (but nothing really ends in Supernatural does it... 😂).

Anyway, let me know if y'all want to see those letters and I'll get on them if you do, and tell me what you liked most about this story, about Jae, the updates I did, what I added in the main storyline of the show, etc, whatever you liked I'd love to hear, I love hearing from you! And if I wrote the letters it would be a blast for me to see you all comment on what you like about them (if you want to, but if you did it would make my day).

Well, let me know by commenting on this authors note and I can't wait to get into season 15!

I love you all! ❤❤❤


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