Old Enemies...: Part 1

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Dean POV

Jae came back to the bunker last week, she and Sam had been with each other nonstop and were back to being so in love with each other it was almost unbelievable.

I never admitted it to either of them or anyone for that matter but I loved it, the way they looked at each other and how they would do just little things to show they cared for each other, like brush their fingertips when they passed each other in the hall or how Sam would put his hand on her back when they stood next to each other or the way Jae kicked her legs up on Sam's knees or put a hand on his leg when they sat next to each other. For someone who acted as grossed out at that romantic stuff as me I secretly loved to see them so in love with each other.

I'd watched the two of them fall in love with each other again and seen how Sam acted like he had when we first met her, giddy and head over heels for her, wanting everything to be perfect for her and doing everything he could to just be around her.

BJ hadn't been separated from them this whole week either, they'd gone on a road trip with him for a few days to a waterfall and then hiked up to it with just the three of them, something I thought sounded torturous but the three of them loved it.

Their little family of three was completely in love with each other, they loved each other like nothing else and if they needed something to lift their spirits they went to the others there, they always made each other smile.

Jack, Cas, Sam, Jae, BJ, and I were out at the diner in town for breakfast.

BJ was standing next to me on the seat as he looked out the window, watching the people pass by as he pointed them out.

We talked and ate. We laughed a lot too and as I looked around at the five of them my heart swelled, this was my family. The angel who fell for me and my brother, the immortal who married my brother and started a family with him - the only thing I'd ever wanted for Sam - the nephilim son of Lucifer who was like a son to all of us, and the two year old son of my brother and his wife. For them, I would do anything, they were home and they gave me something to live for, something to live to protect.

We got back to the bunker and Jae and Sam put BJ down for a nap as I looked for a case.

They sat down next to me and started researching with me, the two of them hadn't been on a hunt since they got back together.

Jae looked up at us as she turned her laptop around for us to see.

"I got something." She said as Jack and Cas came in the room behind her.

Sam and I looked at her screen and the article there along with a few police reports.

"So apparently a husband killed his wife of thirty years and strung up his two kids to the ceiling and after he said he thought they were monsters and then killed himself. And an eighty year old woman lit her house on fire while she was still inside screaming about the place being cursed and her son who was visiting for the weekend got out to tell the story."Jae said.

"Sounds like our kind of crazy." I said.

Sam nodded in agreement and we made plans to leave as soon as we dropped BJ off at moms.

We all packed and left after Sam and Jae got back from dropping BJ off and left soon after.

Sam and Jae drove the truck as we drove the Impala. The motel in town was full so we found an abandoned factory to hunker down in for now.

The factory still had running water and was good enough for the few days we'd be in town.

We unpacked and used out sleeping bags and mats to sleep on as we settled down for the night all of us in the large main room of the factory.

The next morning we split up, Jae going to the morgue as Sam and I went to interview the survivor of the house fire and Cas and Jack went to investigate the other crime scene of the man who murdered his family.


I was looking over the coroner's report of the family who'd been killed as the coroner himself who preformed the autopsy explained what he found.

"Why would the FBI be interested in a murder like this?" The coroner asked.

I smiled at him, "We think it might be connected to a case a few states over." I said, lying.

"Alright, I won't go up against the Fed's on what they choose to investigate." He said.

I smiled again and he pulled the man's body out for me to see, the father who killed his family.

"Did you find any drugs in his system? " I asked as I looked at the body, checking his teeth as I put some gloves on and making sure there wasn't anything that indicated he was killed or possessed by a monster or witch.

"No, but his brain activity was strange." The coroner said.

"Strange how?" I asked.

"His Hippocampus was inflamed as well as his Occipital lobe." He said.

"Have you seen anything like that before?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"No, and if they were inflamed they shouldn't have been after death." He said.

I nodded, "Okay, that should be all I need for now, I'll stop by again if I need anything else." I said.

He nodded and I left, throwing my gloves in the trash as I pulled my phone out and called Dean. I knew what we were dealing with.

"Hey, we haven't found anything here, did you find something?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know what we're dealing with and we need to get the hell out of dodge and regroup." I said.

"Who is this? Where's Jae?" Dean asked seriously and demandingly.

"What? Dean, this is Jae." I said.

"The hell you are. What did you do to her?" He demanded.

I hung up and cursed, calling Cas.

"Jae. What is it?" He asked.

"Meet me at the factory, don't call Sam or Dean." I said.

"Jae, what's wrong?" Cas asked.

"I'll explain when we get there." I said.

I met them back at the factory and as they walked inside I locked the door behind them.

"The thing we're hunting, Dean and I ran into it before, it's the thing that made me think Dean was a monster and shot him when he went to hell." I said.

"How do you know?" Cas asked.

"Because at the morgue the guy who killed his family, his Occipital Lobe and Hippocampus were inflamed. The Hippocampus regulates memory and the Occipital lobe controls sight. This monster makes you hallucinate, he attacks your brain specifically those two parts to make you see what he wants and block your memory and create his own. He got into Sam and Dean's heads. I called them and they didn't recognize it was me, they'll be after us." I said.

Just as I finished the door was kicked open and Sam and Dean ran inside, pistols aimed at us as they looked stern and serious.

"Now, which one of you wants to tell us where you put our friends." Dean said.

Cas, Jack, and I glanced at each other and then  back at the two of them, they thought we were monsters and had kidnapped the people they thought weren't us, Jae, Cas, and Jack. This could get nasty.

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