I'm Here...

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Mom, Donna, Jody, and the girls were coming over to drop off BJ so Jae and I could see him again. Jae had been home for only a few hours and she was so quiet it made my heart ache. She hardly talked and didn't smile.

The girls got to the bunker and BJ came in on little toddling legs, he'd grown a lot since I'd seen him last.

He came into the library where Jae, Dean, Cas, Jack, and I sat and saw me.

"Da!" He shrieked in delight and ran to me, throwing his arms out and jumping into my open hands as I caught him and threw him in the air as he giggled in pure joy.

I couldn't help by beam as I caught him and held him close to me.

I looked over at Jae where she stood close by, the girls were holding back from saying hello to her until she was reunited with BJ.

I gave her a smile and a reassuring look as I set BJ down on the floor again and she nodded slightly to me. She'd been scared that BJ wouldn't even recognize her, after all she hadn't seen him in almost a decade but it had only been eight months for him. But I suspected there was more behind her fear to see him again, something that must have happened to her in hell, but I didn't ask.

"BJ, look who's home." I said to him as I pointed to Jae.

Jae crouched down to look BJ in the eyes and as soon as he saw her is face split in a huge baby grin.

"Mu!" He cried as he ran to her and threw his arms around her neck.

She held him tightly back as she stood, the look of surprise at his reaction to seeing her turning to a watery smile as tears slipped from her eyes and she let out a small sob as she held BJ tight.

"BJ, you're so big." She said to him through a tiny laugh.

"I missed you, little man." She whispered softly to him as she rocked back and forth where she stood, kissing him on the head as she cried.

He leaned away from her and put his little hands on the sides of her face, leaning in a kissing her the best he could on the lips.

She let out another small laugh mixed with a sob and he hugged her tight again, his little arms around her neck.

As I watched them my own tears had started to fall from my eyes, he'd missed his mom more than anything, and she'd missed him too.

Mom walked to me as she and the other girls watched Jae just hold BJ tight, silently crying as she held our little boy.

"I'm glad you got her back." Mom said quietly.

I nodded as I looked at her through my tears of happiness to see them back together.

"Me too." I said.

The girls hugged Jae in turn as BJ sat on her forearm, refusing to leave her side as she hugged them.

The girls waited in the library while Jae and I took BJ to bed, Jae softly sang Hey Jude to him as I held them both in my arms until BJ drifted off to sleep and we put him in his crib.

We closed the door to his room behind us and I looked at Jae.

"He missed you a lot." I said.

She nodded, "I missed him too." She said with a weak smile.

We went to the library again and spoke with the girls, we all stayed off the topic of hell, knowing Jae wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I held her hand as I sat next to her, making her know that I was here for her. Jae didn't speak much at all, she would glance around the room occasionally, checking any place where someone could be waiting to ambush her. It hurt to see how obviously on edge and unsafe she felt when she was in the safest place she could be.

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