Don't Go...: Part 2

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I didn't feel guilty about sticking it to Jae, all I felt was anger toward her, it had been a week and a few days and I still was so mad at her.

She sent texts telling Cas where she was, he was the only one on good terms with her and as far as he told us she was out hunting now.

I sat at the the kitchen table with a hungover Dean, drinking coffee.

He'd been out late last night at the bar in town. He was still mad at Jae too, but not as much as me, his anger seemed to be dying down slowly.

Cas came in with his phone pressed to his ear as he spoke with someone.

"Yes. That is impressive." Cas said.

"And how many have you killed?" He asked in between small pauses as whoever was on the line spoke to him.

"And you weren't hurt?" He asked.

"Good. I'm glad you're okay." Cas said.

"Yes. Keep safe." He said and then hung up.

"Who was that?" Dean asked as he looked up at Cas with his arms on the table, holding his coffee cup.

"It was Jae." Cas said.

Dean stared at a spot in the kitchen for a second and then moved to put his head on his arms, letting out a groan.

"What did she want?" He asked, annoyed.

"She was just checking in." He said.

"And she didn't say anything else?" He asked.

Cas shook his head, "No." He said.


Jae was living on the road, going from motel to motel and sometimes just sleeping in the cars she stole and drove a few states over before switching cars again.

She'd stopped at Jody's for a few nights to see BJ this week too.

She'd gone on nine hunts this week, all of them alone. She was keeping busy and she'd told me why she told Sam what she did, she wanted them both to be sure that being together was best and now she felt they should be apart. She believed what Sam and Dean said to her, the things about her breaking promises and hurting them, were true and they were but none of them were looking at this in the right way, I wanted to talk to Sam and Dean about it but Jae had told me to just let things happen in their own time.

She expressed how she felt one night over a phone call when Sam and Dean were asleep, she'd been sobbing when she called and I'd talked to her for hours, hearing her emotion spill over the phone.

She'd told me how much she missed Sam and Dean and how much she blamed herself for their feelings of anger toward her, she told me she didn't know what to do with herself and all she wanted was for things to go back to how they had been before she found out she was immortal, she said her life had felt so much simpler then. She told me about everything, every emotion and thought that ran through her head and I'd listened, doing what she'd done so many times for me, just listened and been there for her, giving advice and guidance where I could.
It was hard to do that, how she had managed to be so good at it every time she spoke with me I didn't know, and how all her solutions and words of advice had been perfect and wise I didn't know either, it was much harder to play the role she had for me than it had seemed for her.

She'd told me on the phone just barely that a group of demons was after her, somehow word got out about her power and they were hunting her 'head hunting' as she put it, wanting to take her soul and use her power along with her soulless self to take over hell and heaven.

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