Run for Your Life...: Part 1

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I gasped as I shot up, waking up from a terrible dream back in the room I shared with Jae at the bunker. I looked over where Jae was beside me but her side of the bed was empty.

I got up, suspecting her to be in the kitchen or the library up late from nightmares so I went to find her and tell her about my dream.

As I opened my door and stepped out into the hall my head was reeling, that dream, if it even was a dream, had been so real. I'd felt everything and how it ended was terrible, some unstoppable monster had killed, Dean, Cas, and Jack and I'd tried to get Jae to run as I held him off. The last thing I remember was being lifted off my feet and thrown at the ground, that's when I woke up.

As I walked out of my room Dean opened his door and looked at me, looking alarmed and worried.

He walked to Cas's door and knocked on it and then Jack's door.

The two of them answered shortly after, looking just as lost and worried as Dean and I did.

"Wait, did you all have the same dream? The guy who killed us all?" Dean asked.

We all nodded.

"That wasn't a dream, Dean. We were all dead." Cas said.

I looked at him, "Then how are we all back?... Where's Jae?" I asked.

We all walked to the library and the kitchen but she wasn't there.

"Wait. We all woke up in our clothes from before, from the case, right?" Dean asked.

I nodded.

"Then she's got her phone on her." Dean said.

Cas pulled out his phone and called her number. Her phone started ringing with her old ringtone of Dean and I telling her to answer down the hall and we all walked to where it was coming from, inside the store room and the dungeon.

I opened the door and saw her chained down in the dungeon, on her knees with a chain around her neck and each wrist, the symbol to keep her from healing drawn on the floor around her.

She looked up, her face covered in blood and so beaten and swollen it was hard to recognize her, one of her legs was broken in an agonizing way and her midsection was bleeding slowly from several spots, her ribs looking completely shattered and broken, her back hardly able to hold her up straight it was cracked itself.

"Jae." I breathed, running toward her as she saw us standing in the doorway.

I ran to her, breaking the symbol on the floor around her and taking the chain off her neck and wrists as I picked her up in my arms, carrying her to the medical room as she put an arm around my neck, her head on my chest as she struggled to breathe through the pain she was in.

I laid her down in the bed in the medical room and Cas, Dean, and Jack came in the room behind me as she put a hand on her chest, coughing up a bit of blood as I saw what she needed, taking the extra pillows in the linen closet near the wall and lifting her back up gently as I put them under her so her back was elevated.

She kept coughing as I pulled several tissues from the box by her bed and held them to her mouth gently as she coughed into them, trying to breathe and stop her coughing.

Cas walked forward and put a hand on her shoulder gently, concentrating as he processed her injuries.

"Is she going to be okay?" Jack asked, just as worried as the rest of us.

Cas nodded, "Yes, she's already healing, but it's bad, I can't heal her faster she's so injured." Cas said.

"It's okay... But can you put me out for a few hours?" Jae asked, her voice gravely as she stopped coughing and I threw the bloody tissues in the trash.

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