Back In The Field...: Part 1

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(Thanks again to mariahmaxwell3 for her idea on this story!)


Jae had slept a little better since she told us about what happened in hell, but I didn't sleep very much now that she told me, I watched over her as she slept, making sure she was okay and whenever she woke up with a nightmare I'd be there for her.

She'd gotten better, she was more open now and she tried to recover and it was working, we were seeing the old Jae more and more each week.

Jae was sitting with BJ in her lap as she looked over a case, I sat next to her with my hand on her thigh gently as I looked over more files of my own, BJ was playing with a few toy cars he had, rolling them on the table to Jack and he caught them as they rolled off the table and then rolled them back to him.

Cas sat down next to Jack where he'd been getting a few books for research in the store room and started looking them over.

A loud crash and then Dean shouting a curse echoed from the hall leading to our rooms.

Jae's lips split into a smile as the three of us looked up.

Dean came into the library looking angry and a little spooked.

"Who the hell put a snake in my bed!?" Dean asked loudly.

I looked at Jae and she tried to fight the overwhelming smile that came over her.

I smirked and Dean looked at Jae.

"What the actual hell, Jae!?" Dean shouted.

She turned to look at him, wiping the smile from her face as she looked him square in the eye.

"You didn't even see it coming did you?" Jae asked.

Dean stared at her, he hadn't been expecting her to say that.

"What?" He asked.

She raised an eyebrow at him as she smirked softly.

"This is for the belt snap and the break check pranks isn't it?" He asked.

She nodded, "You remembered." She smirked

"You're kidding, after all this time you finally got me back with this?!" He asked.

She nodded, "Oh yeah." She smirked, proud of herself.

"You are taking that thing out of my room before I kill you." He demanded.

Jae shook her head, "Dean, it would take away all the experience for you if I took it out of your room myself... You do it." She smirked.

Dean looked at her, angry.

"I'm going to get you back for this good, Jae. " He said, pointing an accusing finger her way.

"Bring it on big boy." Jae smirked.

Dean walked out of the room and Jae turned back to her files and I looked at her.

"Where did you get a snake?" I asked.

"On our walk BJ found one and I caught it for him, it gave me a good chance to get him back." She said.

I chuckled softly and leaned in closer, kissing her gently as she kissed me back.

"You are amazing." I whispered softly to her and kissed her again.

She smiled and we kept looking for a case.

Jack, Cas, Dean, and I left once we found a case and Jae stayed to watch BJ at the bunker.

We were looking into what we thought was a Crocotta a few states over.

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