You Kept Your Promise... (smut warning)

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I went into the garage and got in the truck, sitting in the drivers seat as I waited for Jae, wiping the tears from my eyes.

The passengers side door opened and Jae stood there, stepping back gently so I could see her, she wore a beautiful red dress, it was short and the skirt ended just above her knees, it was sleeveless with small noodle straps and a fabric tied bow on its open back which I saw as she turned around.

She had put her hair up in a simple bun and wore black high heels, she looked beautiful

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She had put her hair up in a simple bun and wore black high heels, she looked beautiful. All her scars were still there, the woman's spirit in Lake Superior had returned her to me just the way she'd been before, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I stared at her as she smiled, a full smile. Ever since she told us about the pit only a few minutes ago she seemed so much more relaxed and she felt more safe.

She climbed in the truck and I looked her up and down as she buckled her seatbelt and looked back at me.

"I wasn't expecting this." I said as a smile came across my face.

She laughed softly, "I thought it might make you feel better... I was going through old things when you were on your case and found this, I remember I bought it for a case before I met you and Dean, but I never got to wear it." She said.

"It wouldn't be half as beautiful if you weren't wearing it." I said softly.

She smiled and she told me where to drive to.

It was an old outlook of the town several miles from the bunker. I parked and she looked over at me.

"You know, if we met in college I would have brought you here too, if we lived here that is." She chuckled softly.

"And if not you'd take me to a different outlook?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Yeah, probably."

"And what would you want to do when you brought me here?" I asked through a sly smile.

"Oh, I think you know." She chuckled.

I laughed softly and she looked at me more seriously.

"Sam, don't blame yourself for any of that. You did your best, and you decided to stay even after you almost died." She said.

"You know about that?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yeah, Dean told me." She said softly.

"I know you're going to blame yourself for what happened, but everytime you do I'll be here to tell you the exact same thing, that I love you and you kept your promise in the end, you have nothing to be ashamed of." She said softly.

I nodded, looking into her eyes as I saw the comfort there.

"And if you'll let me, I think I'll do what I would have in college." She smirked, looking at me.

I chuckled softly, "Yeah, I'll let you." I said.

She smiled through an amused look.

She slid off her panties and left them on her seat as she unbuckled her seat belt and crawled over the center console, maneuvering herself to straddle my legs in my seat as I put my hands on her thighs.

She unbuckled my seatbelt and kissed me, looking into my eyes and then kissing me again more deeply as she unbuckled my belt and slid my jeans and boxers down a little as I kissed her back.

She put a hand on my erection and pumped me slowly as I moved my finger tips to her clit and rubbed her there softly. We continued to touch each other as we kissed and breathed rhythmically with one another, separating and just leaning into each other as we turned each other on, both of us ready for the other now.

She stopped pumping me as I removed my hand from her clit and she lined me up with her sex, gently pressing down onto me.

I let out a long breath of pure ecstasy as she squeezed her eyes tight, letting out a soft moan.

She started riding me slowly as I moved one hand to support her back and the other to slide the strap of her red dress off her shoulder as I cupped her breast in my hand, squeezing softly as I kissed her neck and chest and face, breathing with her as she pushed me in and out of her at a slow and perfectly heavenly way.

She put one hand around my shoulders and tangled her fingers in my hair as she held onto my shoulder blade with the other, she started moving faster and I put one hand up to hold onto the back of her neck as I moved my other hand from her breast to her lower back, holding her close as I rested the side of my head against her chest, breathing harder as she rode me faster.

She was moaning softly now and I groaned as that turned me on, breathing hard like she was now as I pushed my hips against hers to turn us on more. I groaned as she squeezed my bicep tightly and kissed me behind the ear, letting out a pleasure filled breath that turned to a soft groan in my ear.

She worked us up to our highs and I held her tighter against me as we both sweated and breathed heavily as we held each other close, and then we exploded into a shower of ecstasy and pure pleasure and love as we came, groaning and gasping as we breathed together.

I opened my eyes as I looked up at her where she sat in my lap. She looked down at me in return and I kissed her, it felt like the first time I ever had and I felt like we had just fallen in love yesterday, it felt exciting and new and I loved it.

I kissed her deeper and she kissed me back. We just stayed there kissing and touching each other's skin as we kissed, the love we shared strong and impenetrable in this moment.

We separated and she slowly pulled me out of her, sitting back on my legs as she pulled my boxers and jeans up again and re buckled my belt, leaning forward to kiss me sweetly again as she slid forward again to sit closer, wrapping her arms around me and holding me close as I put my arms around her. I put the strap of her dress back on her shoulder and held her tight, running my hand up the open back of her dress to feel her smooth and soft skin.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you." She whispered back as we just sat there, both of us sitting in the dark as we held each other close, feeling each other's chests rise and fall with our breathing.

There was nowhere I would rather be than right here with her.

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