I Love You...

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Jae and I were alone at the bunker together with BJ. We were recovering from that last hunt we went on, Jae needing to recover from the torture she was put through, she'd been throwing up ectoplasm for the past two nights and she felt awful. I needed to recover from the demon blood, I'd started craving it again, wanting it for the power it gave me, but Jae was helping me detox.

I walked in the library, Jae had been cleaning the bunker to keep her mind off how she felt, the pain from the torture she went through was still there and aching at her.

I smiled, she had her ear buds in and was sweeping, mouthing the words to the song she was listening to and dancing along as she swept, the baby monitor on the table so she could hear when BJ woke up from his nap.

I smiled wider, walking forward and wrapping my arms around her from behind, taking the broom from her and leaning it against the table, pulling the cord to her earbuds out of her phone and pulling it out of her pocket, pressing play on the song she was listening to and setting her phone on the library table next to us.

She smiled over at me as I swayed with her, my arms wrapped around her from behind as I put my head next to hers on her shoulder.

"Will you dance with me?" I whispered in her ear.

She smiled, kissing me gently on the cheek.

"Absolutely." She smiled.

She turned in my arms to face me and I took her hands in mine, swaying with her hands in mine and spinning her around.

She laughed as we danced, getting more silly by the moment as we laughed and smiled at each other.

"I don't think we've danced like this since we were married." Jae laughed as I spun her around again.

I smiled wider at her, "I can only dance like this with you around." I said.

She smiled, "I love it."

I smiled back and the song ended, a slow song coming on next. I pulled her closer by my hands holding hers and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped my arms under her arms and around her waist.

We swayed, moving in slow circles as she put her head on my shoulder and I rested my lips against the top of her head.

"Thank you, Sam, thank you for loving me just how I am." She whispered softly.

"And thank you for loving me just the same." I said back.

I'd told her about my dream that night in the hospital and why I'd been crying and she'd held me while I continued to cry into her that night. I was beyond grateful for her, I could be weak with her and she made me stronger than I'd ever been before. She was home, with her I could feel everything I needed to and I could face the world with her by my side.

"I need you, Jae. You're everything to me... Please say you'll never leave." I whispered to her.

She looked up at me where she was held in my arms.

"Sam, I'd never leave. Never." She whispered back.

I nodded, still afraid something would happen and she'd leave me because she was hurt by something I said or did.

"Sam..." She said sadly, putting a hand on my cheek as she saw the look in my eyes.

I looked into her eyes.

"I will never leave you. Never." She said sincerely.

I nodded again, "Okay." I said softly, trusting her.

She put her head back on my shoulder and we swayed, the music stopping, but we didn't care, we just stayed there in each other's arms.

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