You Can't Escape Me...: Part 1

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We got back to the bunker after spending the night at the motel we got while in Texas looking for Pestilence.

Dean took the three rings and locked them up in the bunker in a demon safe box lined with silver and iron, hiding it in the store room.

We all went to our rooms to get some sleep and I sat down heavily in the chair at the desk in the room Sam and I shared.

Sam closed our door behind him and unbuttoned his flannel, tossing it on the desk next to me as he took it off and put his hand out for mine. I took his hand and he helped me stand, pulling me into him as he crouched and picked me up under the ass. I wrapped my legs around his torso and put my arms around his neck as he held me up.

He walked me to our bed and dropped me gently on my back on the sheets, pulling off his T-shirt and tossing it on the desk by his flannel as he slid off his belt and tossed it in the same place, letting out a long sigh as he knelt at the foot of our bed above me in his jeans and gently got down on his hands and knees above me.

"You might want to take off your clothes before I lay on top of you." He said softly through a smile of amusement.

I looked into his warm eyes and smiled, pulling off my jacket and Sam's flannel and pulling my T-shirt over my head as I tossed them on the floor, unbuckling my belt and undoing my jeans as I slid them off while Sam held himself over me.

I let my jeans and belt fall to the floor and looked up at him.

"Alright, I'm ready." I smirked.

Sam nodded and gently lowered himself down on top of me, his head on my chest and his hips in between my legs as I wrapped my legs around him again.

He tucked his arms under me where I lay on my back and held me tight as he closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh.

I looked up at the ceiling as I played with his hair, his cheek pressed against my chest and bra. I had been thinking about what Pestilence said, how my destiny had been so different than it was now. I had been told I was supposed to be a monster before, and I suspected it was because of what happened when my soul was missing, but Pestilence had made it seem so much bigger than just that, like I was more powerful than I thought.

"Sam?" I asked softly.

"Hm?" He hummed from my chest, close to falling asleep.

"Do you think what Pestilence said was true?... I mean, he had no reason to lie." I said as I looked up at the ceiling.

Sam shook his head against me, "I think he believed it was true, but I don't think we need to worry about it, whatever he said was supposed to happen didn't happen." He said through a yawn.

"But what if there's something I'm missing? I mean, he said I was supposed to lead along with Lucifer... I was supposed to kill all the angels... I don't know what could make me powerful enough to do that? I mean I was immortal, right? But I don't think that is the only part that made them think I was so powerful... What if I've been able to do things I never knew before? Like how I could feel things and sense things... I don't know what to think Sam." I said, talking aloud.

Sam moved his head to look at me from my chest.

"Jae. Let it go. Whatever that was, it didn't happen, you're a hunter, one of the best. You saved the world with me and Dean countless times and you've saved so many people. You aren't a monster and you didn't do those things." He said reassuringly.

I nodded and he leaned forward to kiss my nose gently, "you're not a monster Jae." He said.

I nodded and he kissed me on the lips and I returned the kiss as he pulled our blankets up over us from our unmade bed, we hadn't made it since we were in a hurry to find Pestilence before.

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