Save Us, Dean...: Part 1

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Dean POV

Jae and Sam had gone on a case of their own and Jack, Cas, and I were on one together.

Jae had been recovering from Ace's death and Sam and I had been recovering from our injuries. Sam's arm was out of his cast and now just in a sling, the break wasn't as bad as we thought, it had only been a little more than a month since we got out of the ICU and back to the bunker.

Cas, Jack, and I were hunting a vamp on the loose in Reno Nevada, and I was having a good time with with winning a lot of poker games and picking up a lot of women along the way.

I sat down heavily on my bed at the motel as I took off my jacket and tossed it on the couch.

I fell back on my back and closed my eyes.

"Night, you two." I said as I rolled over onto my stomach and tried to fall asleep.

"Goodnight." Cas said.

"Goodnight, Dean." Jack said back.

I fell asleep soon after and woke up later that night. Cas wasn't there and neither was Jack, they must have gone for a walk or something.

I got up from bed and walked to the kitchen to see if they'd left a note or something. There wasn't one.

I turned around as a clap of thunder echoed from outside and stopped as I saw two people standing by my bed, staring at me. It was Sam and Jae.

They were doing nothing but staring, but Sam looked desperate and worried, Jae hunched over as she looked at me with pain and exhaustion in her eyes.

I jolted awake, I'd been dreaming. I looked to where they'd been standing next to my bed and no one was there, Cas was awake at the table in the motel room and Jack was asleep on the other bed.

I sighed, rolling back over and closing my eyes, it had just been a weird dream, that was it. But something kept nagging at me that there was more to it, but I brushed that off, it was just a dream.

Sam POV (a few days before Dean's dream)

Jae and I were on a case near her childhood home, there had been some paranormal activity around here, we suspected it to be a demon.

Jae's old house was abandoned, it hadn't been lived in since that night when she was thirteen.

She wanted to stop by to just see it and make sure none of the happenings were coming from her old house.

She pulled up to the curb in front of her old home, it had boards on the windows and the door was sealed shut with bolts and a few two by fours nailed to the trim.

She sighed softly as she looked out my side window at it.

I looked over at her, "Are you sure you want do this?" I asked, knowing she probably didn't want to remember what had happened that night if she went inside.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure, we've got to check all the boxes anyway." She said softly.

I nodded, leaning forward and taking her by the back of the neck gently, pulling her head toward me as I kissed her on the forehead tenderly.

She smiled at me as I kissed her on the lips and she kissed me back. She was brave to do this.

She walked with me back behind the house to the cellar door, it was locked.

She crouched down and dug a small hole in the dirt next to an overgrown rose bush with her fingers, digging around for a moment before pulling her fingers out of the dirt and coming up with a key.

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