I'm Terrified...: Part 4

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"Can I get you another?" The man at the counter asked.

I looked up at him, nodding as I brushed the tear that had rolled down my cheek away.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said, sliding my glass toward him as he poured me more whiskey.

I'd made sure not to go to the bar Jae was working undercover at and instead went to this one a little farther away from our motel.

He glanced at the pictures I'd been looking at where I set them on the table. He had a thick beard and long hair that he pulled back in a man bun at the back of his head. He had kind eyes.

"You here over a woman?" He asked.

I nodded.

"That her?" He asked.

I nodded again, "Yeah." I sighed softly.

"She's pretty." He said.

I looked down at the pictures and looked at her in each one.

"Yeah, she is." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"She told me she wants a divorce... Didn't give me any say in the matter, but after the things she told me I don't think I want anything different." I said as I took another drink of the whiskey he poured me.

"She sleep with someone else?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"No. She lost feelings for me a long time ago and just played it off." I said.

He nodded, frowning slightly as he poured himself a drink and put his hands on the counter in front of me.

"Well, here's to looking forward and getting over that bitch." He said, raising his own glass.

I forced a small smiled and nodded, raising my glass to his and drinking with him.

He left me alone, pouring me more drinks when I needed them as I kept thinking.

I was close to tears and as I looked at the pictures on the counter again another tear slipped onto my cheek just as the door to the bar opened behind me.

"Sam." Dean said as he came into the bar.

I glanced back at him and then turned back to the bar, brushing the tear that slipped away and taking the pictures on the counter and tucking them back in my wallet, not ready to let go of them yet like I had Jae's ring.

Dean sat down next to me and ordered a beer as Cas stood behind us

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Dean sat down next to me and ordered a beer as Cas stood behind us.

Dean put his hand in his pocket and pulled out something I couldn't see, setting it down on the table, they were mine and Jae's wedding rings that I'd thrown away.

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