Goodbye Old Friend...

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Dean and I had been cleared from the ICU last week, he was told to not do anything too active for now because of the hole that had been punched straight through his chest and was now healing, and I was told to not raise my voice or talk for several hours at a time, I'd also come back with a broken arm which had been reset and put in a cast and sling.

Jae had scrubbed down the bunker from the blood on the floor and walls and dragged the bodies out to burn with Jack and Cas.

It was late and the others were all asleep except for Cas, he was sitting in the library, reading.

I walked into the library, I'd woken up in pain again and my neck was itching furiously from the skin healing where I was cut and it drove me crazy so I couldn't sleep.

Jae hadn't been in bed when I woke up so I came to ask Cas if he knew where she was.

"Have you seen Jae?" I asked him softly, still tired from just waking up.

He nodded, "She's with Ace." He said.

I looked up and into the map room where we'd set Ace's bed on the floor there so he could just stay there all day and not move very much.

He'd been hurt bad from the shot the intruder gave him and he was dying, but the vet said he wasn't in any pain unless he moved a lot.

I walked into the map room and saw her there, asleep on the floor next to Ace, a blanket and pillow she must have brought with her there as she snuggled close to Ace, who was awake, looking at her as she slept. He moved his head to look at me as I came in the room and he rested his head on Jae's arm, letting out a soft whine as his tail wagged softly.

I smiled at the two of them, sadness aching at me heart as I saw the tears on her cheeks. She didn't want him to leave, and neither did I, he'd been with me through a hard time of my own but for her he was her oldest friend and he'd been there for her longer than anyone ever had.

Ace moved his head to nuzzle Jae's cheek with his nose, she shifted a little in her sleep but didn't move as he let out a long breathe, slowly closing his eyes as he tried to sleep.

Jae had been with him everyday all day since we got back from the hospital and he'd been comforting her by just being with her too.

We were taking him into the vet to put him down tomorrow since he could hardly even walk anymore he was so weak and Jae didn't want to see him suffer like that.

I pulled Jae's blanket over her shoulder a little more and brushed her hair behind her ear tenderly, leaning over and rubbing behind Ace's ears gently.

I crouched down beside the two of them and Ace looked up at me, placing his head on Jae's shoulder as he looked up at me.

I smiled sadly at him, feeling a few tears coming to my eyes.

"Thanks for taking care of my girl and my baby boy." I paused as a few tears slipped, he had saved BJ from the intruder who almost stabbed him and he'd protected him all this time, he had been a great friend of mine too.

"And thank you for taking care of me and my brother." I said softly.

Ace had made Dean happier, even though he claimed to not like dogs sometimes he loved Ace, he'd been like his partner in crime. And Ace had saved me just by saving my wife when she was young, and he'd been my best friend when she, Dean, and Cas were in purgatory.

I rubbed his head gently and moved to sit against the wall behind them, a hand gently stroking Ace's back and the other holding Jae's hand as she slept, my arm holding hers still in the sling.


When I woke up Sam was there, telling me it was time to go.

I nodded up at him as he gently picked up Ace and he whined softly as he carried him to the Impala and laid him in the back seat next to me.

Dean drove as Sam sat in the passengers seat. None of us talked as we drove to the vet, all of us didn't want to say goodbye to Ace, he'd been a part of the family, especially for me.

We got there and Sam carried him into the back room and laid him on the table. The vet came in and left to give us a few minutes.

Dean rubbed Ace's back in his usual way, trying to not act like he cared, but the tightness in his voice gave away that this was just as hard for him.

"Thanks, buddy, we'll miss you." He said.

Dean stepped back as Sam put a hand on my lower back, looking at me to say goodbye, smiling sadly.

I nodded, stepping forward and running a hand down Ace's back and then putting my hand on his head, crouching to look him in the eye as he laid on the table.

I sniffled, resting my forehead against his as I started to cry.

"I love you." I said softly through my tears.

"Everything's going to be okay... I'll see you again..." I let out a sob as I paused, looking into his eyes.

"Thank you for everything." I sobbed.

He licked my face weakly and I smiled softly through my tears, leaning forward and kissing him on the nose.

The vet came back in the room and I continued to crouch next time Ace's head, petting him as the vet injected him and he slowly closed his eyes, fighting it.

"It's okay. You don't have to stay anymore, you've done enough..." I said comfortingly as I let out a sob.

"I'll miss you." I said softly as he closed his eyes and let out one last breathe.

I let out another sob.

"Goodbye, old friend." I whispered softly as I kissed him on the top of the head one last time and hugged him close as I sobbed.

Sam and Dean were in silent tears of their own as they watched me, they had been the whole time I said goodbye to Ace.

We eventually brought Ace's body back to the bunker and lit a pyre with him on it, wrapped in white cloth.

I held his collar in my hand and Sam's hand in my other, BJ sitting on Dean's shoulders as he stood with Cas, Jack, Sam, and I.

I silently cried as I watched the pyre burn, my heart broken in my chest and aching painfully as I missed Ace terribly.

That night I just laid on Sam's chest as he stroked my hair, comforting me silently.

I broke down into him, sobbing as I buried my face in his chest, he just held me with his good arm, kissing the top of my head occasionally to comfort me as I cried for the best friend I'd ever had and the only one who'd been family when I was young, the one who saved my life, who prevented me from ending it, I would miss him.

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