I'm Terrified...: Part 3

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Dean POV

We were finalizing the details on our roles in Harris's plan. I would have been excited to be involved in an actual FBI undercover job, but all I could think about was Jae and Sam.

Sam was acting weird, different, and I didn't know why, I'd asked him about it and he just brushed it off as worry, but I didn't buy that. Something more was up with him.

I couldn't make contact with Jae other than phone calls, she was already undercover as a bar tender at a local bar next to the apartment she got, her costume topped with a temporary dark hair dye and brown eye contacts. She looked drastically different when I'd seen her talking to Harris before the first day of going undercover and I hardly recognized her with dark brown hair, almost black and her eyes looked drastically different.

But she wouldn't answer my calls anyway and I'd noticed the few times Sam saw Jae he acted strangely and the two didn't even look at each other and talking to each other seemed like an act of treason the way they acted around each other.

I couldn't figure it out and as I talked to Cas about it, he and I had gone to breakfast without Sam because he hadn't felt up to it, I sat down at the kitchen table in our room.

"Yes, I've noticed they act strangely around each other." Cas said as I asked him if he'd noticed anything.

"So what should I do? Sam is obviously hiding something that Jae said when he went to talk to her, and I can't ask her about it because first off, I can't get a hold of her on her cell, she never answers my calls, and second off she's been a bitch since we tracked her down." I said, frustrated.

"I think you should ask Sam." Cas said.

"I've tried, everytime he just brushes it off like it's nothing. He won't give me a straight answer." I said.

"Maybe agent Harris knows something." Cas said.

I shook my head, massaging my nasal bone between my fingers as I closed my eyes.

"No, he wouldn't. Sam wouldn't tell him, the only other person he'd tell other than me would be you." I said.

Cas frowned softly and a small knock at the door came.

I got up and looked through the peep hole, it was one of the maids who worked at the motel, a younger Hispanic woman.

"Not right now, thanks." I said.

I was about to turn away when she spoke up.

"Um, sir, I found these rings in your trash when I was cleaning up. I saw that you came back to your room and thought you might want them back." I turned back to the peep hole to see her holding up two wedding rings, I recognized them, they were Sam and Jae's wedding rings.

I opened the door and looked at the woman.

"You found these in the trash?" I asked.

She nodded, looking a little nervous as I looked directly at her.

She nodded, "Y-yes. I thought you might have thrown them away on accident." She said.

I nodded, "You know what, I guess I did." I smiled, taking the rings from her and pulling out my wallet, taking a fifty out and handing it to her.

"Thank you." I said as I held the bill out to her.

"Oh, no." She said putting up a hand as I held the money out to her.

I shook my head, "I insist. For your trouble." I said, smiling at her.

She smiled softly and took it from me.

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