Can We Start Over?...: Part 1

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I sat on the steps up to the balcony out of the bunker, deep in thought.

Dean had talked to me about Jae, saying Cas was right but he'd go forward with me in whatever I decided to do.

I knew Cas was right too, but I didn't know what to do, I was stuck in between going back to her and staying like this, avoiding her, but my anger was gone, I wasn't angry after what Cas said, he was right, I'd have done the exact same things she'd done in those situations.

Cas came in the room and looked at me, walking to me and sitting beside me on the stairs.

I looked over at him briefly and then looked at the floor again, letting out a deep sigh.

"What should I do?... I'm not angry with her anymore after what you said, but I don't think I can face her again after doing this to her..." I said.

Cas looked at me, "She doesn't blame you Sam, I told you this before. You love her, don't you?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes. I do." I said.

He nodded, "Then you'll know what to do." He said.

I nodded, a thought coming to mind as I stood up, thanking Cas and running to my room.

I got my jacket and went to the store room, taking the vent near the floor in one corner behind a shelf there and taking it off the AC vent there, taking the shoe box filled with love letters I'd written to Jae before we were together I'd hidden there and replacing the vent.

I got the ribbon from the box Jae held all the gift wrapping supplies in and tied the old brown shoe box as prettily as I could with a few strands of ribbon on all four sides, of the box, tying the ribbons in a knot on the lid of the box to hold them all in place and taking the scissors next to me and attempted to curl the ribbons like I'd seen Jae do so many times.

I tried about five times before getting it right and this was only the first i6f twelve ribbon ends I needed to curl.

I slowly curled all the ribbons and cut my fingers on a few of them, cursing as I got frustrated with the process but keeping with it.

Dean came in the room as he saw me curling the last ribbon.

"Sam, what are you doing?" He asked.

I finished the last ribbon and checked my phone for the time, nine, the flower shop in town was closed, I'd have to make due with something else.

I looked up at Dean.

"I'm going to get my girl back." I said, a smile coming across my lips as I took the box and ran to the garage, taking one of the smaller cars to a woman's home in town, she grew rose bushes and since the flower shop was closed I'd have to steal one from her.

I snuck on her lawn and cut one of the best looking roses off her bushes as the motion activated lights came on lighting up her lawn and her Chihuahua started barking murderously.

The blinds to her front window were opened and I sprinted back to the car I drove, running as fast as I could so she wouldn't recognize me.

I jumped in the car and started it, driving off to the motel Jae was staying at just outside of town. Cas had told me her room number when I was running to the garage.

I was about to get out of the car when I got another idea and smiled to myself, taking a piece of scratch paper from a notebook in the glovebox and using a pen to write on both sides of the paper, placing it under the ribbon on the lid of the box filled with my love letters and opened the door, seeing a car parked in front of the room Jae was staying at, she was here.

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