Run for Your Life...: Part 5

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Soulless Jae was already at the office party, parked in the underground parking lot outside like everyone else.

She had an earpiece in, one of the few Ketch left for us last time we'd used them, and we were set up at a motel in town, our laptops showing the security footage in the club and the footage from the camera on her dress.

She was walking into the party, her coat no longer on.

"Man, your Jae really has good taste, our body is perfect for something like this, although all the scars she's gotten is a little clumsy, but I covered them up just fine... What do you think? Should I show a little more leg, or a little more breast?" Jae asked as she walked into the party, looking down at her figure and moving her dress down more to show her cleavage and the skirt up to show more thigh.

"Stop. That's my wife you're going as, not some prostitute." I said into her earpiece.

"There's a difference?... Huh, I also don't remember her giving me any consent before she married you, that's pretty messed up if you ask me... Although what she remembers from your time together especially the steamy parts, is that you have a wonderful-"

"Shut up." I ordered quickly.

She stopped talking and kept walking as she groaned in frustration through her gritted teeth.

"Ugh, she talks a lot." Dean groaned as he ran his hands through his hair, muting us from Jae's earpiece momentarily.

"Yeah, and she's only talking to try and distract us, get in our heads with the stuff she says." I said.

"Yeah, and I hate that it's coming from Jae's mouth." Dean said.

I nodded, "Me too." I said softly.

I hated the part of her without a soul, she was merciless and cruel and tricky in every sense of the word, nothing like Jae. Jae was kind and smart and gentle but she had her moments when she needed to be brutal, but she always had mercy if there was need for it, not like this part of her.

Jae entered the party and I un-muted us.

"You can talk freely now, but don't talk to us unless you have to." I said.

She sighed in annoyance and walked into the party.

We saw her through the security cameras as she walked into the party of crowded office workers, strippers positioned all around on raised platforms with their poles.

Dean used the keypad to zoom in on one particular stripper as she danced and made sure to get as zoomed in as he could to her ass.

I looked at him, annoyed.

"What? I'm not the married one Sam, I can compliment a woman's ass if I want to." He said as he turned to look back at the screen.

I zoomed out and turned the camera to look at the crowd again and Dean looked at me, a little offended.

"Your opinion on complimenting a woman's ass is messed up, man." I said as I turned my attention to Jae again.

"You're messed up." Dean mumbled in a pouting way.

I rolled my eyes and payed attention to Jae as  she moved to the bar.

She sat down at a stool there and a guy walked up to her and leaned against the bar.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" He asked, looking her up and down casually.

"Sure, but only if you stay to let me buy you one after." She smiled, looking him up and down casually herself.

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