I'm Here Baby... (smut warning)

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I was getting some hot chocolate for Jae and I while she gave BJ a bath. Dean, Cas, and Jack were out on a case while I stayed back with Jae and BJ. Jae's leg was still in the last stages of healing and she'd asked me to stay when the three of them were planning to leave. I hadn't been planning on going with them anyway, but the way she asked made me wonder what was wrong. She'd been a little quiet the past few days since we got her back top side from her soulless self driving the ship to kill Terminator.

When I finished she was in our room, tickling BJ while he laid on our bed, in nothing but his diaper.

BJ giggled as she continued tickling him, pinching him softly as he squealed and tried to push her hands away.

"I'm going to eat you, little boy!" She said as she put her head down and nibbled on his stomach with her lips as he let out another squeal and a shout of adorable laughter as he put his little fists in her hair and tried to push her away.

She laughed as she put her head down and rubbed her nose against his as he played with her short hair as she dangled it around his face.

She picked him up as I sat down on the edge of our bed and she laid down with BJ on her chest as he hugged her with his little arms around her neck.

She laid there as I smiled and laid next to her, putting a hand on BJ's back and another hand under Jae's back, kissing her on the cheek gently and BJ on the head.

He let out a little sigh on her chest and we both smiled, he was tired and ready for bed.

I gently sat up and took BJ from her, setting him on his back gently on the bed as Jae sat up and took the onesie with the little guns and cars on it that we used for his pajamas.

She gently slid his feet in the feet holes as I gently put his arms in the arm holes, he was falling asleep as we got him in his pajamas and as Jae zipped up the onesie he was completely out.

She smiled as I picked him up and gently put his head on my shoulder as I held him, still asleep.

"I'll go put him to bed." I said softly to her as she looked at me.

She nodded through a smile and I walked him to his nursery across the hall, closing our door behind me.

I laid him down in his crib and then turned on his baby monitor and took the other one with me so we could hear if he woke up in the night.

I closed his door gently, turning his night light on and then walked to our door again.

Jae was pulling on one of my flannels for the night and I closed our door behind me as she turned to me and smiled.

I set BJ's monitor on the desk and walked to her as she took off her jeans and folded them, setting them on the dresser in the corner, now only in her underwear and my flannel.

I walked to her and took her face in my hands as she looked up at me.

I learned down and kissed her tenderly, separating and then kissing her again, deeper this time.

We separated after several moments and she smiled up at me as I smiled at her,

"You're beautiful." I whispered softly.

She smiled, "And you are very handsome." She said back.

I smiled and she and I settled down into bed with our hot chocolate after I got in my sweatpants.

We watched a movie on the TV in our room as we snuggled together and Jae fell asleep against my chest.

A few minutes later she started breathing hard, mumbling in her sleep as she started crying.

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