With Family Like This...: Part 3

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Jack and I were out posing as the FBI, we needed to figure out if this was a poltergeist or a ghost and who it might be so we could get rid of it.

I was dressed in my black skinny jeans with my white blouse and grey formal suit coat, my hair let down, with my formal boots to make me look professional.

I drove us out to the farm house in the country away from town where the family there had been having the hauntings.

"So what do we know so far?" Jack asked as he sat in the passengers seat next to me.

"Well, mostly nothing, the family's been quiet, the little publicity they got Garth just barely caught, it was only a small article about some strange happenings at their house that was passed off as a break in, but they've said nothing else." I said.

"Do we know what it is? A spirit or a poltergeist?" Jack asked.

I shook my head, "No, not yet, but Garth sounded pretty convinced it was a poltergeist." I said.

"So, how are we supposed to find out who it is?" Jack asked.

"We just run the case, and put together everything we find out, but we need to figure out how bad it is first, see if the family is in any danger." I said.

Jack nodded and I pulled up to their farm house from the dirt road out front. They were isolated out here, there were no other houses for miles.

There was another car out front, a car with "Ed's Exterminators" written on the side of it, a bug exterminator van.

I parked and we got out.

We walked to the front door and I knocked, taking my fake badge out of my jacket pocket as Jack took his out of his pocket, fumbling with it a little as the door opened and I showed mine.

"Hi, I'm agent Stevens with the FBI, this is my partner, agent Pierce. We're here to just check in and make sure everything's okay here after that scare you got a few weeks ago with the break in." I said.

The woman at the door must be the mother, Mrs. Lane, she was a very beautiful woman with curly brown hair and a thin build, she looked weather worn and fatigued.

"Oh, um, yes, we're fine..." She said.

She obviously wasn't fine, how tired she looked and how strained her words were was proof of that.

"Would you mind if we come in?" I asked.

She looked a little hesitant and scared at that question but nodded shakily and opened the door for us.

I stepped inside and thanked her kindly as Jack stepped inside behind me.

The woman closed the door and gestured for us to come into the sitting room by the front entry.

We turned and sat down on one couch as she sat on another, glancing in the corner warily before looking back at us.

"How have you been since the incident Mrs. Lane?" I asked.

"I've been fine." She said quickly.

"And your family, how have they been holding up?" I asked.

"Just fine. Agent..." She paused, waiting for me to tell her my name.

"Stevens." I said through a smile.

"Yes, agent Stevens, I'm sorry but it's now a good time, could you come back some other time?" She asked.

I leaned forward softly, looking at her intently.

"Mrs. Lane, are you or your family in any danger?" I asked softly, in almost a whisper to keep her feeling like this conversation was private even if the spirit or poltergeist here could hear.

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