Famine...: Part 1

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Jack and I went to the hospital and waited for Sam, Dean, and Jae to get out of surgery. They were in awful shape, they'd almost killed each other.

Jack and I had found War at the local diner and we'd killed him after fighting through everyone inside, Jack did well, but he had almost been killed himself before I stepped in when I was free of angry attackers at the moment.

After I'd cut the ring off his hand we'd gone back to the Bunker, but we put things together when they weren't there and came here, but the place had been a mess, blood in the hallway and the library and kitchen.

I was worried, beyond worried. By the amount of blood in the bunker alone they should be close to dead or dying, I didn't want to lose any of them.

After several hours they were cleared from surgery and I went in to see Dean first, he was the only one awake.

I walked into his hospital room with Jack and he looked at us, one of his eyes completely swollen closed and the other almost as bad. His whole face was terrible looking and you could hardly recognize him.

"Dean. You look terrible." I said.

He smirked slightly, "I feel it too. Have you seen Jae or Sam yet? No one will tell me if they're okay." He said.

I shook my head, "We haven't seen them, but they're out of surgery and still alive." I said.

He nodded resting his head back against the pillows behind him.

"That was the horseman wants it? War." Dean said.

I nodded, taking out his ring from my pocket and setting it down on the table next to his bed.

He nodded and took it with his good arm, his other wrist in a cast.

"That's one down, but after that I don't know how easy the other two are going to be... We almost killed each other." Dean said.

I nodded, "I know what you mean... War was much more powerful this time than the last time you faced him. I'd never seen the three of you so angry." I said.

Dean nodded.

"We should let you get some rest." I said.

Dean nodded again and as we moved to the door he stopped us.

"Hey," We turned around to look at him again, "thank you, both of you. Without you two me and Jae would be dead right now and Sam wouldn't be far behind." He said.

I smiled slightly at him, Jack smiling too.

"You're welcome." I said.


It had been a few weeks since War had nearly driven Dean, Jae, and I to kill eachother and ever since we'd been quiet toward each other.

We all felt awful for what we did and we didn't really talk much, at least to me all that anger I'd felt toward them and the reasons behind it were somewhat real, not in all cases, but in most, and it hurt to think that the things I was angry at the two people I loved most with could drive me to nearly killing them both.

I felt so guilty and heartbroken that I'd hurt them, especially Jae, I'd nearly killed her and I didn't feel a thing the whole time.

Cas had healed us up the best he could, the swelling on all our faces and some of the minor bruising, but the rest, my stab wound and gunshot wound and Jae's gunshot wound he couldn't heal, as well as the deeper cuts and bruises we got, so they were healing on their own, all of us looking terrible.

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