I'll Fix This...: Part 2

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Dean POV

I slowly opened my eyes, I was on the back seat of the Impala, my cheek pressed against the seat as I laid on my stomach.

I groaned, sitting up as I put a hand to my head, I had cuts on my face but the blood from the beating Jae gave me was gone

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I groaned, sitting up as I put a hand to my head, I had cuts on my face but the blood from the beating Jae gave me was gone. I looked around, she'd shot me right between the eyes but there wasn't even a mark where she'd hit me.

I put a hand in my pocket and felt the keys there, I looked around again, how had I gotten here?

I looked out my window to see a familiar bar, Lloyd's.

Realization hit me like a bucket of ice water and I threw the door open, jumping out of the car and looking around. And then I saw her, Jae's body laying in the middle of the crossroads.

I ran to her and fell to my knees beside her, slapping her cheek gently.

"Jae. Come on, wake up." I said desperately.

She was limp as I pulled her into my lap, shaking her more now, hoping against hope that she was just unconscious.

I put two fingers to her neck and didn't feel a pulse.

"Shit. No, Jae. Don't you dare be dead." I said.

Setting her on the ground and preforming CPR on her, pushing air into her lungs and pumping on her chest to try and get her heart beating again.

Nothing worked no matter how hard I tried and I sat back on my heels, looking down at her body where she lay, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, dead.

My phone rang in my pocket and I took it out.

Sam was calling and as I looked at my phone I had nineteen missed calls from him.

I answered and put my phone to my ear.

"Dean. Dean, where's Jae?" He asked urgently.

"She's here." I said.

"Thank god, are you two okay? What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Sam... She's dead." I said softly.

"W-... What?" He asked.

I nodded to myself, a few tears slipping as I looked down at her body.

"She's gone Sam." I said, my voice tight with emotion.

"No... What? Dean, what do you mean?" He asked.

"She sold her soul for me, Sam... The case went wrong and she shot me, I made a deal back in that town to the demon who held the contracts... I told him he could have either your soul or mine when we died, and I died first... She sold her soul to save me from the pit, Sam... Somehow she died for me." I said, a small sob slipping.

"Dean... I-" Sam stopped.

"I'll bringing her back home Sam. " I said.

He couldn't even speak, he was so shocked and close to tears he couldn't form any response.

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