You Can't Escape Me...: Part 3

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Dean POV

I took BJ out of his car seat and walked to the door to the bunker from the garage.

"What do you say we go help your mom with dinner?" I asked him as he sat on one of my arms, playing with the new toy car I got him.

He nodded and bounced up and down on my arm where he sat in excitement.

I smiled to myself and as I walked down the hall to the kitchen Sam ran out and grabbed me, putting a hand to my mouth as I tried to talk to him.

He was sweating and had blood trickling down the side of his face, his eyes wide in desperation for help.

He pulled me back into the garage and closed the door.

"Sam, what happened? Where's Jae?" I asked urgently.

"It's Baal, somehow he got in and he found her, I can't get her out of here with the state she's in, I need you to go get her immortality back from that woman in Arizona, that's the only way she'll survive." Sam said.

"Alright, get in." I said as I put BJ in his car seat in the back of the Impala.

Sam shook his head.

"I can't, I'm not leaving her here alone." He said.

I nodded, "Just keep her and yourself alive." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder.

He nodded, "The same goes for you." He said.

I nodded and I got in the Impala, backing out and speeding out of the garage as I called Cas for backup, BJ in the backseat.


I watched Dean leave, it had only been half an hour since Baal broke into the bunker and during that time he had tortured Jae to no end, I'd escaped and slipped away from his hold as I ran to stop Dean and BJ, hiding the worry that was consuming me for Jae. She wasn't doing good, not at all, she was bleeding so much I couldn't move her to get to a car and take her to a hospital, and even then Baal was too powerful, I couldn't take him alone, but I had to try.

I walked back into the kitchen, Jae's blood all over the floor where Baal had started the torture, he'd moved her into the library and as I grabbed my pistol from the hall and entered the kitchen I listened as Baal spoke to Jae, taking the emergency duffel out from under the sink and taking the canteen of holy water there and grabbing the salt inside it too.

"No, he left you Jae." Baal said sadly to Jae where she laid on the library table, bleeding out.

I peaked around the corner, waiting for an opening to strike.

She shook her head, "No, he wouldn't do that." She said, tears slowly running down here face

Baal leaned over her, looking almost sad for her.

"Jae, he ran, and he left you here, deny it all you want but he left and he's not coming back." Baal said.

She shook her head, her lips quivering as she gritted her teeth, more tears flowing down the sides of her face.

"No." She cried softly.

"Yes... I'm sorry, but he's gone." Baal said. "But I'll never leave you." He said, leaning down and placing the tip of the knife he'd been using to carve into her below her chin and tracing it down her chest, slowly digging into her skin just above her breasts.

She winced and he dug a deep gash up to her throat from her chest. She cried out as he dug in deeper and I ran out at him, splashing him with water as he winced and backed away from Jae, grimacing with the pain the holy water gave him.

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