Old Enemies...: Part 4 (gore warning)

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I booked it out of the factory and ran around the side of the building, ducking under an old raised platform used as a loading dock for semis, squeezing under it as I hid, waiting for Sam and Dean to come around the corner.

I'd gotten them good and they were both pissed now, the most dangerous time to be on their bad side was when the two of them were angry, and it was even more dangerous when they thought you'd kidnapped their family.

I'd gotten an advantage on them through separating them but now they were together and I'd have to figure some way of separating them again or taking them both off guard, but my quickly thrown together plan for getting the drop of them in the factory was all spent, I needed to make another plan while they searched for me.

I heard them talking as they came around the corner and then walked around the corner of the factory past me, Sam supporting Dean with an arm around his shoulders because of the limp Cas gave him when throwing him down the stairs.

I watched their pairs of boots walk past me and out of earshot as I prepared to crawl out from my hiding spot.

But an arm shot out from my right where the space between the ground and the top of the platform to the loading dock was, it was Dean.

He grabbed my ankle and yanked me out from under the platform, dragging me on my back in the dirt as I tried to grab something, anything to hold onto to keep him from pulling me completely out from under the deck, but there was nothing.

He pulled me out as I rolled onto my back. Looking up at them as Sam raised an old two by four and rammed it into my face, instantly I blacked out.

I came to back in the factory, tied to one of the chairs Dean hand tied Cas and Jack to earlier.

Sam and Dean stood in front of me, looking serious and ready to put a bullet in my head with how angry they were.

"Look, sleeping bitch is awake." Dean said as he stepped forward and leaned over to look me square in the eye.

"Good, now she's going to tell us where she's keeping Jae, Cas, and Jack." Sam said, standing behind him, his arms folded over his chest as he looked at me.

"Exactly. So, how's this going to be? You want to come clean nice and easy, or let us return the favor you so generously gave us?" Dean asked.

"Jesus Christ, you two are way too thick headed sometimes." I said.

They looked at me, confused. They hadn't expected me to react like that.

"What?" Dean asked, taken off guard.

"I told you before, I'm Jae." I said, stressing the words a bit.

"And I told you before, the hell you are." Dean said, stressing his words to mock me.

I looked at the ceiling, rolling my eyes as I looked back at them.

"The thing we're hunting, you and I have faced it before, it made me think you were a monster and shoot you in the head, Dean. It's the thing that made me send you to hell." I said.

Dean scoffed, "Real funny. I can tell you're trying real hard to play this off." Dean said.

"But we know what you are now, we figured it out while you were out cold. You're a Wraith." Sam said.

"That's how your friend was able to toss me like it was nothing, and how he was able to get out of those ropes." Dean said.

"And it's how you've been making those people see the things they did, the old woman thinking her house was burning down, the father who killed his family, you heightened their dopamine levels to make them go bonkers. At least long enough to make their deaths look as non-wraith like as possible."

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