I'll Fix This...: Part 5

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We'd burned Jae's body, which was hard for me to see her like that, but hopefully I'd have her back soon.

As soon as we burned her body we went to Wisconsin and Lake Superior.

It was late and no one was around as we pulled up at a small bank by the shore and all got out.

I took the pendant the woman in Arizona gave me and looked at Dean, Cas, and Jack.

"Go get her back, Sammy." Dean said as he put a hand on my shoulder firmly.

I nodded, looking out to the water and taking off my boots and socks, setting them on the bank and walking out into the water until I was about waist deep, the gentle waves lapping at my sides as I took in a deep breath, the water was freezing, but I hardly noticed I was so focussed on Jae.

I took the pendant and held the chain attached to it as I dangled the pendant under the surface of the water, closing my eyes and thinking of Jae, I could remember every detail of her face and body, how she talked and even how she breathed.

I opened my eyes as the water around me vanished and a slight breeze played with my hair.

I stood in a field I didn't recognize, a woman stood a few feet away, her black hair flowing around her face as she looked at me.

"You're here for Jade Watkins." She said softly.

I nodded, "Yes." I said.

She must be the woman who's spirit possessed this lake.

"And do you love her?" She asked.

"More than anything." I said.

She smiled softly, a warm comfort in her eyes that instantly reminded me of Jae.

"I hope you're right." She said softly.

The field around me changed to a loud party, lights flashing everywhere as music blared from speakers around me, people dancing all around me.

I forgot everything about a test and all about Jae even being gone, it was as if this was just another day, but I didn't even know who Jae was.

I turned to look around and saw a face I recognized, but I didn't know their name. At the time I didn't know it, but it was Jessica.

She pushed through the crowd to me and smiled up at me.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" She asked over the loud music.

I smiled at her and nodded as she lead me to the bar near one wall.

We sat down together and another woman came up behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I recognized her too, but didn't know her name, but I'd remember later that it was Madison.

I looked over my shoulder at her and she looked at Jessica.

"He's quite a catch." She laughed softly.

Jessica nodded, "I know."

Jessica leaned forward and put a hand on my thigh, leaning in to kiss me as Madison kissed behind my ear.

"What do you say we get out of here?" Madison asked me seductively in my ear.

I really wanted to, but something didn't seem right, something didn't feel right about this or them, like they weren't the ones I should leave with.

I saw a woman across the room, standing by one wall alone, waiting for someone to drive them home, I felt like I knew them, but they didn't look at all familiar, I would come to realize this was Jae, but it didn't look like her at all.

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