Wake Up...: Part 2

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We had walked across the street to the diner Jae was sitting in, she'd told me about this hunt, she'd almost died from it and as we walked up to the diner I could hear screaming from inside and I cursed as we both threw the door open.

A woman was being mauled by the waitress at the diner and Jae jumped up from her chair, running at them nd tackling then off of her, the woman was bleeding out severely and I ran to her, taking her hand as she choking on her own blood, her chest had been torn open nd she was bleeding too much.

Dean was next to me in moments. Jae was holding a silver knife over the werewolf and trying to stab her in the heart but she was holding her off.

Now she was only sixteen but she fought like a hunter already.

The werewolf threw Jae off her and Dean stood, ready to help her but Jae looked at him, her blue eyes harsh and serious.

"Don't. Get these people out of here!" She said to him.

He looked surprised at her authoratativeness when she was only sixteen, but he obeyed, helping the people stuck in shock out of the diner as I comforted the woman bleeding to death on the floor, holding my jacket against her chest as I tried to stop the bleeding, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

The werewolf ran at Jae and she dove out of the way, hitting the floor and scrambling to her feet, if Jae was her age now of thirty two she'd be able to land in a roll and be on her feet in seconds, but here she'd only started hunting one year earlier, being introduced to the supernatural two years ago the night her family was killed when she was thirteen, and she'd spent her fourteenth year in a psych ward being abused and molested by someone she hadn't know was a demon all along. She didn't have as much practice as she did now, sixteen years in the future.

The werewolf rushed her and she held up her silver knife, giving the werewolf a painful gash in the ribs that she groaned in pain at.

She knocked the knife away from Jae and into the kitchen and then grabbed her by the jacket, tossing her like a rag doll through the kitchen doorway and against the sink, hard.

Jae hit the floor and the werewolf rushed her. She scrambled to get up and away from the werewolf but it's claws clipped her in the back, tearing clean through her shirt and jacket and making gashes deep enough to start bleeding heavily already, dangerously deep.

She screamed in agony and hit the floor. The werewolf ran into the wall and turned to her again, lunging at her just as she grabbed the knife on the floor under the oven next to her and held it up, the werewolf impaling itself on the sharp blade right through the heart.

Jae slid out from under the werewolf and got up on one elbow. Dean ran to her and grabbed her arm, helping her to her feet gently as she winced in pain.

She was pail already from loss of blood and she almost collapsed on the floor as I took the woman who'd been mauled by the werewolf in my arms, Dean helping Jae out to the car in front of the motel that Jae had the keys to and we drove her and the other woman to the hospital, Jae passing out in the passengers seat.

"Shit. Sam, she's not going to make it." Dean said as he reached over to try and hold the gashes on her back closed.

"Just keep driving." I said as I reached over the seat and held her back, she was bleeding too much and the cuts were bad, deep enough that you could see her muscle and a part of her spine.

We got to the hospital and Dean carried Jae in and I carried the woman inside too.

We waited in the waiting room as Dean paced back and forth.

"You said this was a memory?... She can't survive this, not when she's so young. Jesus, the amount of blood she's lost already is too much." Dean worried.

I shook my head as I worried for her too, "She bled out on the floor in that diner when this really happened, someone called the police and she made it just barely. She should be fine since we got her here quick." I said.

"She's only sixteeteen and this happened to her?" Dean asked.

"This wasn't even the worst thing that happened." I said sadly.

Dean shook his head to himself, "She never told me about this." He said.

"She didn't want to worry you." I said.

She'd told me she knew Dean would worry and wish he could have helped her so she never told him, she knew him well and saved him from any worry she could because she loved him.

The dream skipped to another time, she was eighteen, we stood in an empty field where she stood practicing, shooting empty soda cans off a stump several yards away, her hair was short now, cut to her shoulders. A pointed eared Doberman Pinscher sitting next to her impatiently, Ace. He was young and energetic and fidgetted next to her where he sat, wanting to take off at a run and play in the field but he was following her orders to stay where he was sitting while she shot.

"How old is she here?" Dean asked.

"Eighteen." I said.

"How do you know all this?" He asked.

"Because the first one was the first person she couldn't save and she nearly died, she still has the scar from the werewolf on her back, and this time... Well she's trying to not put that gun against her skull right now." I said sadly.

She stopped shooting at that moment, sitting down heavily in the dirt and putting her head in her hands, setting the pistol she'd been using in the grass next to her, sobbing as her emotion got to her.

We walked up to her, she shot up and grabbed the pistol, pointing it at us.

"Woah, wait, wait. We aren't going to hurt you. You're dreaming, you know us, it's Sam and Dean." Dean said hurriedly as he put his hands up.

She looked around, not seeing us, she must have heard us but now she couldn't see or hear us.

"Jae?" I asked.

Dean waved a hand in front of her face but she didn't seem to see it, Ace didn't even see us, his hackles raised as he growled softly in his throat.

"Don't worry, she can't hear you, or see you. I got here just in time." Jae said from behind us.

We turned to look at her, this Jae was the same age as the one we knew now, her eyes were glowing. This was her without a soul, she still had her powers, she must have escaped. And that only meant we were in deep trouble.

"How did you get here?" Dean asked bitterly.

"Well, I still have this neat trick up my sleeve, I'm glad you missed it." She smirked, gesturing toward her glowing white eyes.

"So what? You going to kill us?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Well, yeah, why else would I be here?" She said through a smirk.

"Now, I should have done this ages ago." She smirked, raising her hands as searing pain split through my body and Dean's, we hunched over, groaning in pain as we gasped, our lungs burning for air as our insides cooked.

Cas appeared behind her and grabbed her from behind, the burning stopped and we gasped in lung fulls of air.

"Run." Cas said.

We turned and Dean grabbed Jae, he actually touched her and yanked her away from Cas and soulless Jae as they fought.

The only way we could win this was to wake Jae up, and we could touch her, this was a start, but we had to hurry.

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