Don't Go...: Part 4

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(Thanks to beanie8 for her insight and ideas on this story part!)


I was walking through the park with BJ on my shoulders, he had a sucker in one hand and his other tiny hand placed in my hair, playing with it as I put my hands on his little feet and ankles to keep him from falling.

There was a local carnival at the park today put on by one of the neighborhoods near us and they'd invited everyone in the area to come join to raise money for a girl needing a kidney transplant.

Dean, Cas, and Jack were off somewhere in the park, Dean had seen their deep fried hot dog and Twinkie sign and instantly went to get as many as he could get his hands on.

I walked with BJ and he pointed at a small baby ride with space ships that went around a planet that the man running the ride was operating it from.

He grunted as he bounced up and down on my shoulders, pointing at the ride as he waved his sucker in the air with his other hand.

I smiled and got on the ride with him, it wasn't that big and my legs were long so I had to almost scrunch myself inside but BJ loved it. He sat in my lap as the ride went around slowly, and he let out little peels of laughter as the ride went up a little bit on one side and then back down again.

I laughed with him as I held him against me and he saw Dean, Cas, and Jack, pointing to them as they watched us.

I waved to them as BJ waved his hands at them.

As Dean was distracted with a woman standing next to him, looking her way as he flirted with her.

BJ noticed his attention wasn't on him and he grunted as we went around the ride again and then as we got close he hurled his sucker at Dean and let out a loud yell of "De!", calling Dean's name as the sucker flew through the air and hit Dean in the head, sticking in his hair.

I burst out laughing as Dean cursed and tried to get the sucker out of his hair as the woman he had been flirting with tried to hold back her laughter.

How BJ threw his sucker so successfully I had no idea, he had a good arm for a two year old.

I couldn't stop laughing the whole rest of the short ride and when I forced my legs out of the small spaceship we'd been in I was still dying of laughter as BJ ran toward Dean and tried to tackle him the best he could from his height of only two feet eleven inches.

He wrapped his arms and legs around Dean's leg and held on as Dean tried to clean out the sticky sucker residue from his hair with a wet wipe he'd got from my back pack.

I bent over as I kept laughing, Dean looking at me, annoyed as he held BJ's sucker away from him so BJ couldn't have it.

BJ grunted as he hit Dean's leg softly, reaching for his sucker with a few strands of Dean's hair still on it.

Dean threw it in a trash can nearby and BJ let out a yell of anger and hit Dean's leg harder, grunting in frustration at Dean throwing away his candy.

"Jesus, little dude. You already got a headshot on me you don't have to beat my leg off." Dean said, taking BJ under the arms and lifting him up to sit on one of his arms as I kept laughing.

He gave BJ a small piece of his deep fried Twinkie and BJ was satisfied at that.

"Get a hold of yourself Sam, it wasn't that funny." Dean grunted as he walked off with us.

Jack had been laughing too, but I was almost on the ground with how much I'd been laughing.

"You've got a good arm I'll give you that, BJ." Dean said as I tried to calm my laughter as I followed them through the crowd.

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