Old Enemies...: Part 2

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As soon as Dean picked up Jae's call and heard her speak I knew something was wrong.

Who is this? Where's Jae?" Dean asked, looking serious and angry.

There was a short pause as I looked at him for an explanation, worried about Jae.

"The hell you are. What did you do to her?" He demanded.

He looked down at his phone as he pulled it away from his ear.

"Damnit. Something's got her and probably Cas and Jack too." Dean said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Don't know. They hung up." He said.

I pulled out my laptop as we stood next to the Impala from my bag and set it on the roof of the car, opening it and opening my GPS tracker for Jae's phone.

"It says they're heading back to the factory." I said.

"Then let's go beat the hell out of 'em." Dean said as we got in the Impala and sped off back to the factory.


Cas, Jack, and I stood with our hands up in front of Sam and Dean.

I looked over at Cas and then past him to the rope running up to the ceiling and holding a beam in place above Sam and Dean's heads.

Cas, the rope. I thought, praying silently to him.

He looked over at the rope where it was tied to the wall and nodded slightly.

"Don't even thing about it." Sam said sternly as he saw what we were looking at.

I put my hands up. "Okay. Okay. Just listen to me. We didn't take your friends." I said.

"Shut up. We only need one of you, so which one of you wants to be cooperative and tell us where they are? It'll make this easier for all of us." Dean said.

"Just stop. I'm Jae, that's Cas, and he's Jack." I said calmly.

"You really think we're that stupid? You aren't them, and if you keep talking like you are I'll put a bullet in your head. Now where's my wife." Sam said demandingly.

Run, on me. I prayed, Cas hearing me.

"Okay. I'll tell you, but you have to let them go." I said calmly as I drew my foot back. There was a thick film of dust on the floor of the factory and I could use it.

"Not a chance." Dean said, leveling his pistol at Jack's head where he stood next to Cas.

"Now!" I shouted and kicked the dust up into the air toward them, hitting them both full on in the face.

I took off running to the left as Cas pulled Jack to the right, Sam and Dean coughing as they tried to get the dust out of their eyes.

"You get her. I've got the other two." Dean said to Sam as I took the stairs down to the boiler room two at a time.

"We still don't know what kind of monsters they are, so we don't know what will kill them." Sam said.

"Aim for the head, that should do it and if not the knees, that'll slow them down." Dean said, their voices fading out of earshot as I turned down a hall to my left as I got to the basement floor.

I heard Sam running down the stairs after me and ducked into the boiler room to my right, it was pitch black in here and I pulled out my phone as I turned on its flashlight, running left and right and finally finding a good hiding spot, the huge tanks of carbon dioxide and other gases around me were shut off but they still held gases inside them, I could use that, but that was a bad idea, I didn't want to hurt Sam and I didn't know what kind of gases were inside the tanks.

I ducked under the metal grate walkway that weaved between the huge tanks around me and wedged myself in between one tank and several pipes running up to the walkway as I turned off my flashlight, hearing Sam come in the boiler room.

I put a hand over my mouth and nose to silence my breathing as much as possible as I listened to him walk on the metal grate above my head, I could see his flashlight beam sweeping the tanks around me along the wall.

I watched him walk to stand just above me and then turn to walk down the metal grate to my left, away from me.

I took my hand away from my mouth and silently took the edge of the grate above me, pulling myself up and stepping into the walkway again as I walked the opposite way Sam had gone, just barely able to see with the low glow of his flashlight.

I walked to see where the door I entered in through was, straight ahead, just as Sam stepped into my path, turning his flashlight to see me.

"Hey!" He called and I cursed, running back the way I came as he chased me.

His legs were longer and he could cover more ground faster, but he was much bigger than I was and he couldn't take the corners as well s I could with my much smaller stature.

He faked me out as he popped up right in front of me and I ducked under his arm as he  threw a punch my way.

He stumbled and I ran past him and out of the boiler room, turning and slamming the door in his face as he came up to it, locking it. He started hammering his palms against it as he glared at me through the small window, trying to get it open.

I looked at a him.

"Sam, just listen to me!" I said through the door.

"You sick bastard! If you hurt her I swear to God I will end you!" He called through the door.

I groaned in exasperation and put a finger up.

"Just stay here while I go take care of your brother." I said, annoyed now as I ran back down the hallway and up the stairs to the main floor as Sam kept yelling and hammering on the door.

I ran hard, pulling out my phone and calling Cas.

It rang through and then it picked up.

"Hey, are you two okay? Do you need help getting rid of Dean?" I asked.

"Sorry bitch, your two monster friends are a little tied up at the moment." This wasn't Cas, it was Dean.

"Dean..." I breathed, instant worry for Cas and Jack hitting me.

"Yeah, that's right. So I suggest you come upstairs and tell me where my family is before I kill yours." He said.

"If you kill them, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I know you, and you will hate yourself, please, just don't hurt them." I pleaded.

"Wrong answer." Dean said just as a gunshot split the air through the phone and from upstairs.

I jumped and put a hand to my mouth, what had he just done?

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