Old Enemies...: Part 3

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I ran up the stairs to the second floor and saw Cas on the ground, holding Dean down as he held his pistol in the air away from him.

Jack was tied to a chair behind them, another chair there where Cas had no doubt broken out of.

They both looked fine, no blood, Cas had escaped just in time and had pushed his arm out of the way of shooting one of them.

I ran to Jack and cut him loose with my switchblade, taking his arm as Dean punched Cas hard and grabbed his pistol, pointing it at me and firing.

I grunted in pain as he hit me in the knee and Cas grabbed Dean, throwing him down the stairs I'd come up from the first floor.

I grabbed Cas by the arm as he was about to go after Dean again and he looked at me as I held a hand over my knee, it was already healing.

"Leave it. I have an idea." I said as I put an arm around his shoulder and ran with them up to the next floor and to the roof, limping the whole way as the bullet in my knee slowly disappeared and started healing.

"Jack, lock the door." I said.

He nodded and latched the door closed from the outside as Cas helped me sit down on the gravel of the roof as I straightened my leg and he put his hand out to touch me, healing the bullet wound even faster as light glowed from his hand.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded.

"Jack, are you okay?" I asked as he came up to us.

He nodded and I squeezed his arm reassuringly as I stood.

"What's your plan?" Cas asked.

"The monster who's doing this, it has to be close, that's the only way it can have that affect on them. You two need to find it and kill it before Sam or Dean does anything worse." I said.

"And what about you?" Jack asked.

"I'm going to be the bait, I'll keep them running after me to keep the monster distracted on them and me while you find it, and if they get any shots off I'll be the one to take them, I'll heal quick enough." I said.

"And what if they catch you?" Jack asked.

I smiled softly, "They won't catch me." I smirked.


I'd called Dean and he was coming to get the door open for me in the boiler room.

Whoever these monsters were, they weren't playing games, but what I didn't know was why she'd let me live. Whatever the reason she had my wife and I'd tear them apart if I had to just to save her.

Dean limped down the hallway to the boiler room as I saw him through the window and I called to him through the door.

"Dean!" I called.

He looked up and saw me, a bruise on his head.

He unlocked the door and let me out.

"Dean, what the hell happened to you?" I asked as I put a hand on his shoulder.

He groaned softly as he put a hand on his leg. The one he'd been trying not to walk on as much as the other.

"Well, one of them tossed me down a flight of stairs like it was nothing, they went up to the roof. I got the girl in the knee though, they should be slowed down now." He said.

I nodded.

"Are you going to be alright?" I asked.

He waved a hand and nodded, "Yeah, just as soon as we get Jae, Cas, and Jack back." He said.

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