She's Everything...

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Sam looked over at me, putting a hand under my neck and leaning over to kiss me tenderly again, both of us staying there for a few moments, just kissing.

When we separated I smiled over at him, moving to face him, my knees pulled up to rest on his thigh as he put his large hand on my bare thigh, caressing my skin gently with his thumb as he looked over at me, moving his arm under my head as I lifted it up for him, resting my head on his bicep as he played with my hair gently.

I smiled at him and he smiled back as I put my hand under his back on the mattress and rested my other hand on his where it rested on my thigh, our fingers linking affectionately.

"I like your hair like this. I think it's beautiful." He said softly.

I smiled at him, "I'm glad you do." I said.

"Why'd you cut it?" He asked.

I sighed, "It might be silly, but I just needed a change, after I left-" He cut me off.

"After I pushed you away..." Sam said.

"After I made you push me away..." I said.

Sam shook his head through a smile as we argued casually, "I'm not going to win this one am I?" He asked softly.

I smiled back, "Not a chance." I said.

He chuckled softly and nodded, looking at me to continue.

"Well after that, I wanted to be different, to do things differently than I had before. So cutting my hair was kind of like a symbol to me or a reminder of what I was changing to be like or to do better, a turning point." I said.

"And what were you wanting to change?" He asked.

"I wanted to change so I would never make the mistakes I did before this, with you, I cut my hair to remind myself to never break a promise. And if I had to I'd make sure you knew why and that I was going to ahead of time." I said.

Sam smiled, "You were always so much braver than me." He said.

I scoffed, "Now this argument you're definitely not going to win, Sam." I teased.

He laughed, "Okay, okay, we'll save that argument for another time." He smiled.

I smiled back as he kept stroking my hair. Suddenly his face fell, sadness seeping into his eyes.

"I'm sorry again, Jae. For everything." He said softly.

I shook my head, "Sam, don't be. It's okay, I blamed myself too." I said.

"But that's half the reason I regret it so much, it's because I pushed you away that you blamed yourself, the things I said to you... They were awful... I made you cry." He said softly, a few tears coming to his eyes.

A pang of sorrow for his feelings and gratitude for how much he cared about me hit my heart hard.

He cared so much that he'd made me cry, something that probably wouldn't make most people think twice about or regret, but to him I knew that hurt him deeply, that he'd said such awful things to bring tears to my eyes. Before all this even when he hadn't said anything he'd always made sure that he wasn't the reason for my tears, apologized for things that weren't even his fault whenever he saw me crying, and if my tears were caused by him he'd do anything to make it up to me.

I squeezed his hand on my thigh and he squeezed back gently.

"Sam, it's okay. It's all over now, you don't need to feel bad for that anymore." I said.

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