I'm Terrified...: Part 5

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Dean POV

Jae was back at the bar working the next night and all day I'd been trying to think of an explanation for her behavior, why had she done so many of the things she did if she didn't care about Sam or me? What was up with her

I'd decided not to believe her, she must be lying, there was no other explanation for it, but why was she pushing Sam away so severely? A divorce? She would never do that.

The agent came back to the bar and after Jae got off and handed bartending over to the next worker she sat down with him and let him buy her a drink.

After they talked for a while he left and she left a few minutes after him back to her apartment.

That night as I waited for her to check in with Harris I got impatient. I was going to ask her about why she was doing this and I needed to get an answer ASAP I dialed her number and it just kept ringing, she didn't answer.

I called her two more times after that but there was no answer again and on my fourth call she'd sent me straight to voicemail, she knew I was calling, she just didn't answer.

I threw my phone on the bed next to me and waited all night for her to call Harris, she never did but she texted him telling him everything was going to plan.

I was pissed. Why the hell was she acting like this? She'd been so closed off and such a dick to me, Sam, and Cas that we didn't know what to think. She wasn't acting like herself at all.

I was fed up with not getting answers the next morning and went to her apartment, banging on her door with my palm as I waited for her to answer. If she wasn't going to make things easy for us I wouldn't make things easy for her. I'd get my answers one way or another.

She didn't open the door and as I was about to pick the lock she came up the stairs behind me.

I looked back at her, about to ask her what the hell was up with her when I stopped. She was dressed in the exact same clothes as she was last night at the bar, her hair was a bit messy, hanging down around her face, she hadn't done anything with it today and she hadn't done any of the makeup she'd been putting on as her undercover job.

I stared at her as she stopped, looking at me as she pulled the keys to the apartment out from her jacket pocket.

She let out an annoyed sigh and walked to her door past me, unconcerned that I'd caught her coming home after a night with the agent she was trying to be kidnapped by.
I stared at her, completely stunned and enraged as she went into her apartment and turned to close the door behind her but I stopped her with a hand on the door.

"You didn't." I accused, looking at her with disbelief and rage.

She looked at me, moving away from the door and letting me in, not pleased about it, as she turned to the kitchen in one corner and started making herself a pot of coffee.

"I didn't what?" She asked, unconcerned as she turned to look at me as the coffee machine made her coffee.

"You slept with the agent we're after." I said harshly.

She raised her eyebrows at me as she put a mug down on the counter next to the coffee maker.

"Well Dean, aren't you a sex detector?" She mocked, not one drip of guilt or remorse for what she did showing.

Rage burned inside me, not at her comment, but at how much she didn't care that she'd just had sex with some guy and cheated on Sam.

I slammed the door so hard a picture fell off the wall next to me. Jae didn't even jump as she poured herself some coffee and turned to me, taking a sip and raising an eyebrow at me.

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