With Family like This...: Part 1

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I was healed from the shot to my leg now and I'd told Sam about what happened when I'd changed time after the soulless part of me killed them all.

My power had been quiet ever since I'd used it to rewrite time itself, I'd been able to sense it lurking in the dark side of my mind where my soulless self always was, pressing against the wall I put up to keep her down, but now both of them seemed completely silent. I must have exhausted them both with the use of that much power.

When I came back top side after jumping back in time to warn Sam I'd passed out for hours at a time, Sam said he'd almost been worried at how long I was out, I'd exhausted myself with the use and struggle to control such chaotic energy and power.

I'd told Cas, Jack, and Dean about what happened too and Cas said even when he had enough power to jump back or forward in time it had wiped him out for days if not weeks at a time, so he was impressed that I'd only been out a few hours.
He said my power was most likely completely exhausted like I'd guessed it was, but he had no guess as to when it might resurface again or how long that might take. But I wasn't worried, I didn't want to use that power ever again, and I'd never use my soulless self for anything either, the two of them were dangerous and unpredictable and I could barely handle the amount of power I was given and the dark urges it forced on me, and my soulless self was a horrible idea to let loose ever again, she was just like the power I possessed, chaotic and evil to it's very core.

We were staying at the bunker, Dean, Cas, and Jack all back from the case they'd been running a few days before, and Garth had called in a case for us near his home, a family being tormented by what looked like a Poltergeist.

We'd agreed to take it and after talking it over Jack and I were going while Cas, Sam, and Dean stayed here with BJ.

They thought some one on one time with me would be good for him, he'd been a roller coaster ever since Lucifer took his grace and he was now only human.

He'd hid it well but still had so much he was struggling with and didn't usually tell any of them but me and sometimes Cas.

I was like a mother to him and he opened up to me most, which made Cas a little angry at times but I tried to explain why he felt he could come to me more than him, I was less threatening even if Jack didn't feel threatened by him. And he felt he needed to be strong around all of them because they were the men of the operation and he couldn't break down when he'd learned from watching them all that that wasn't an option. Cas understood, but still was frustrated at times, so I told him I'd try to get Jack to talk to him too.

But for now I was just looking forward to spending time alone with Jack, I loved the kid, he was the sweetest guy you'd ever meet and so innocent it felt good just to be around him after all the shit I'd seen and gone through.

I packed up with Sam as BJ ran down the halls with Dean hot on his heels trying to catch him, BJ squealing as Dean chased him.

They ran past our open door as BJ kept running on his little legs, Dean going slow enough to stay behind him.

I smiled at Sam as they ran by and he chuckled as he smiled back.

He zipped up my back pack of weapons and slung it over one shoulder and took my other bag of clothes as he held my hand in his free one, leading me out of our room and down the hall as I held his hand.

He stopped at the library table as Dean caught BJ, laughing maniacally in a playful way as he held BJ up as he yelped in delight and I tossed Dean a bag of goldfish for BJ after he set him on his arm as he held him.

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