Can We Start Over?...: Part 4

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I paid for our dinner and then we decided to go to the park across from the restaurant we were at. The restaurant itself had a fenced off area behind it that a wedding reception was being held at while we were there, the place had been packed but most of the people attending the reception were in the area behind the restaurant outside.

A singer stood at the stage of the reception and sang, the music was loud enough for us to hear it across the street and as we walked across the street and started walking along the sidewalk around the park I saw her shiver a little, it was a little chilly tonight and her dress wasn't made to protect her from the cold.

"Here, you must be freezing." I said as I shrugged off my suit coat and held it up for her to put her arms in.

She smiled, putting her arms in the arm holes of my suit coat and shrugging it on.

"Thank you." She said softly as she smiled at me.

I smiled back and walked along side her, putting my hands in my pockets. As we walked, looking at the ground ahead of us.

We walked in silence as another thick layer of awkwardness fell over us. This was the perfect time for me to apologize to her, but I couldn't form the words, so I stayed quiet, thinking and rethinking the best way to say what I felt and regretted to her.

After we did a full lap around the park we stopped at the park bench under a lamp lighting up the sidewalk around the bench and us, the street we'd crossed from the restaurant in front of the park bench.

I gestured to the park bench awkwardly as I looked at her, "Should we, uh..." I said, my words fading out as I gestured to the bench.

Jae nodded and I brushed off the wooden bench with my hand where she'd be sitting and she smiled softly at me as I did, thanking me and then sitting, my suit coat pulled around her, looking huge on her thin figure compared to my figure that it fit perfectly on.

I sat down beside her awkwardly and looked across the street to the restaurant we'd ate at, hearing the music coming from the wedding reception in back.

I ran through my apology to her one more time and then took my shot, turning toward her slightly on the bench just as she turned toward me, both of us starting to form each other's names. We both stopped awkwardly and she gestured to me.

"Sorry, go ahead." She said softly.

"No, no, it's okay." I said.

She shook her head again, "No, it's alright, what were you going to say?" She asked.

I nodded, feeling the awkwardness between us more now at our stumbled interruption of each other.

"Jae,I-..." I paused, taking in a short breathe and letting it out as I looked into her eyes, trying to brush off the awkward feeling we both had.

"I just need to tell you I'm sorry-" She cut me off as she shook her head.

"No, Sam. It was my fault." She said.

I shook my head, "No. It wasn't. I didn't think things through like you wanted and I didn't see all the reasons behind why you did what you did. I just focussed on me and what I was feeling and what I thought about it. I didn't think about what you'd done and why, and I didn't think about what those things had done for me... I was stupid and all I thought about was myself, and I hurt you when I pushed you away... I'm so sorry." I said sincerely.

She looked at me, nodding softly as her eyebrows knit in concentration and focus.

"Cas talked to you didn't he?" She asked softly.

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