Run for Your Life...: Part 2

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Jae was healing faster now but when I went to see if she needed anything after she woke up several hours later she said she was so sore she could hardly move. Being immortal healed her injuries quickly but in no way lessened the soreness being beaten like she had would inflict on her.

I'd sat with her for a while and made her laugh which she'd made me leave for, since I kept making her laugh and it made the soreness she felt cause her a lot of discomfort.

"What?" I chuckled as she waved a hand at me. Holding her other hand to her mouth as she laughed through tears of amusement, not able to stop.

"Go away." She gasped through her laughter.

I laughed softly as I looked at her, "What? I'm not allowed to make my wife laugh when she's feeling bad?" I chuckled.

She shook her head as she pushed my arm gently and I laughed as she looked at me again.

"No, but my husband is making me laugh at the worst time, so now he needs to leave." She said.

I smiled and nodded, chuckling again softly.

"Okay, okay. But before I go is there anything you need?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Not right now, but come back when you're not in the mood to make me laugh." She smiled.

I smiled at that and stood, nodding as I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead softly, brushing her hair behind her ear as she smiled up at me from where she lay on her medical bed.

I got to the door and waved at her softly, smiling as she put her fingers to her lips and blew me a kiss.

I smiled wider and winked at her, walking out of the room and leaving the door open incase she needed anything she could call me where I'd be sitting in the map room.

Dean walked in to catch me smiling to myself as I thought of what I'd said to her to make her laugh and how cute she was, her laugh and her smile, all of her.

"What are you smiling at?" Dean asked as he set a beer next to me on the table as he sat across from me at the map room table.

"Nothing." I said as I kept smiling to myself and took the beer he gave me.

"Sure." Dean said, but left me alone about it.

Cas and Jack came in the room, all of us had been searching through lure and anything that could give us answers on the monster who'd attacked us at the factory.

"Any of you find anything?" Dean asked them and me.

I shook my head.

"No." Cas said as he sat next to me and Jack sat next to Dean.

"So we don't have one thing on terminator... He was unstoppable, nothing even phased him. What is he some secret experiment Russia sent to annihilate all of us? " Dean said.

"I don't know who he is, there are no records in heaven of anything like him." Cas said.

"All we know is that none of us can stop him." I said.

"So who can? Jae couldn't even put up a fight, one punch would have had her six feet under if she wasn't immortal." Dean said.

"I know who can."

We all looked back to the medical room door as Jae stood there, walking stiffly to us as I got up.

"Jae, honey, you shouldn't be out walking around." I said softly as I took her arm gently to help her walk through her soreness.

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