Save Us, Dean...: Part 3

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Jae lay next to me on the floor still looking at me as Camryn watched her, he'd taken a break from possessing her again and she had slow tears streaming down her face.

"Do you think she's proud of me?" Jae whispered softly to me.

"Who?" I asked.

"My mom... I doomed my own brother and father to stay here as vengeful spirits because of me... Do you think she even knows it wasn't my fault that night?" She asked softly.

The pain in her eyes was overwhelming and it broke my heart even more than it already had been.

"I'm sure she knows. She was the only one to move on, so she forgave you that night." I said.

She nodded slightly, the best she could while being held against the floor.

"I'm sorry." She whispered after another moment of silence.

"For what?" I asked softly.

"For falling in love with you." She said.

That threw a shot of pain through my heart as I looked at her, confused and unable to think straight.

"What?" I asked.

"It's all my fault they died... It's all my fault because I fell in love with you... Azazel knew we were destined for each other and he killed them because of it." She said.

I stared at her, she hadn't told me this.

"... What are you saying?" I asked.

"That I should have never fallen for you." She said more tears streaming down  her face.

"If we never met then they would still be alive... It's all my fault." She said.

"Jae, don't say that." I said softly, my own tears surfacing.

"But it's true, Sam." She said softly.

"Does that mean you don't want to be with me anymore?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No, I could never do that to you... But I just wish that things could have been different. " She said.

A few tears slipped, "So you wish you'd never even met me at all..." I said softly.

She nodded, "Yes."

More tears slipped as I looked at her, "I'm sorry you feel that way." I whispered.

She let out a small sob.

"I'm sorry too. " She said.

Camryn stepped forward again, he'd been recharging his powers so he could possess her again.

Jae looked into my eyes.

"I'm scared..." She whispered.

"Don't be, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere." I said back.

She nodded and camryn possessed her again,  the same convulsing and choking up ectoplasm started again as she shook all over and I held her fingertips in mine.

"I wish you hadn't fallen for me either. " I whispered softly as I looked into her glazed white eyes.

I wish we'd never met, because then she'd be able to live a normal life, her immortality still a secret, she'd have her family. She would have met someone else and fallen in love, someone without a past like mine. She'd be happy.

Several hours passed as Jae's tortured slowly got more severe, it was the worst it had ever been so far as she shook and convulsed, ectoplasm spilling from her mouth, I didn't dare touch her, her fingers had slipped out of mine and I was afraid that if anything touched her it would make Camryn's torture worse.

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