We're Going To Fix You...

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Dean POV

It had been about a month since we got Jae out of the pit. She got better everyday, but she hardly slept and didn't laugh or smile or joke as much anymore, she was hard to talk to because she didn't really talk back, something that was so unlike her it hurt. She hadn't gone on any hunts since she got back and she hadn't told anyone why or anything about what happened in the pit, even though what had happened must have been beyond anything a nightmare could show.

Jae was sitting in the map room as she looked over some files for a case Sam was on with Cas, Jack, Mom, and Bobby.

BJ was with Jody and the girls and I stayed back with Jae. She'd had a hard time letting Sam go, but when I said I'd be staying with her she felt a little better about it.

I shuffled some cards for a game of poker I was hopefully going to talk her into playing with me and looked at her.

"So, you want me to deal you in?" I asked.

She looked at me and then smiled softly, "What? You want me to whoop your ass and take your money?" She asked.

I chuckled softly, that was one of the few glimpses of the old Jae I ever got.

"Excuse me, I think I'm the one who's going to do the whooping, Jae." I chuckled.

She smirked and slid her files aside, nodded.

"Okay." She said.

"Loser buys drinks tonight." I said.

She smirked weakly, "Alright."

I delt each of us a hand and set up, playing with her.

She had a full house and she beat my hand horribly, she could see right through my poker face and tactics to fake her out.

I set down my hand so she could see the shitty cards I got and she laughed, "I told you I'd whoop your ass." She chuckled.

I shook my head through a smirk, "Dammit, you know me too well, I should have learned a long time ago not to play with you." I said.

She smiled at me, a full smile that made me smile at seeing it again.

"I'm the only one who will play you." She smirked.

I chuckled, "Yeah, Cas would but he never got the whole idea of lying to people, you can read him like an open book. And Jack can't seem to get the concept. Sam on the other hand is a natural, but he usually won't play." I said.

Jae nodded, "Yeah, looks like you're out of luck on winning any time soon." She chuckled.

"You just wait, next time I'll get the lucky hand and you'll have to pay for the drinks." I said.

She smirked and we went to the Impala, climbing in and driving to the bar in town. She got out and went inside after I parked and got some drinks.

We sat at the bar and when we got some more beers we got up and went to the pool table. I set up the pool triangle and I pulled out a coin from my pocket as I looked over at her.

"Heads." She said as I flipped it in the air and caught it in my palm.

"Sorry, it's tails." I smirked over at her, "I call solids." I added.

She shook her head through a small smile of amusement and I broke the triangle first.

We played and I just barely won, knocking the eight ball into a hole with Jae only moments away from doing it herself.

She shook her head with a mock look of disappointment on her face and two men came up to us, one a younger man in his late twenties and the other in his late thirties.

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