Save Us, Dean...: Part 2

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Dean POV

I'd brushed off the dream I had last night and went to bed that night with no thought of it.

I opened my eyes, tired as I woke up in the middle of the night, I moved my head to my other side and jumped up, sitting up in my bed as I reached for my pistol under my pillow, but it wasn't there.

Two people were staring at me from next time my bed, that was what made me jolt up.

I stopped as I saw who it was, Sam and Jae. They were holding hands, Jae hunched over and leaning into Sam as she shook all over slightly, looking at me in agony.

Sam had been crying, a few tear stains on his cheeks as he looked down at me.

"Help." He said softly, pleading with me to help him with his tone and the look of desperation in his eyes.

I jumped awake, it was another dream. I sat up in bed and grabbed my phone next time my bed, dialing Sam's number and holding my phone to my ear. Two nights in a row with this, it wasn't just a random dream.

The line picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" Sam asked.

"Hey, uh... Are you and Jae okay?" I asked.

"Yeah...? Why?" Sam asked, sounding confused.

"I just had a weird dream about you two... Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again.

He sounded fine, but I just felt something was wrong.

"Yeah Dean, we're just fine. Are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned for me.

I nodded to myself, "Yeah, I'm good... I was just a little worried about you both, but if you're all good then never mind. " I said.

"We're all good." He said.

"Okay, bye Sammy, say hi to Jae for me." I said.

"Will do, bye Dean." He said and we both hung up.

I put my phone down and looked over at Cas and Jack where they sat at the table.

They looked confused and concerned for me.

I got up and went to the kitchen sink, splashing cold water on my face and rubbing my eyes as I let out a deep breathe.

Something still felt so wrong, but Sam was fine and Jae was too, they were fine.


My phone started ringing in my pocket, Jae had been released from the torture camryn put her through an hour earlier and she laid on her back next to me, exhausted and aching with pain as she looked over at me.

Camryn had been watching her, still holding both of us and the demon against the floor.

As my phone rang camryn moved his hand toward me and my phone slipped from my pocket and into the air, camryn looked at it and then moved to the demon on the floor next to me, still hardly able to breathe.

Camryn put a hand on his chest and his breathing became normal again. He gasped for air and Camryn put a hand on his head, looking into his eyes.

"I understand. " The demon said.

Camryn was communicating with him.

Camryn let the demon move one arm and put the phone in his hand, watching him as he put the phone to his ear after answering it.

"Hey, what's up?" The demon asked, but in my voice.

There was some silence as whoever was on the other line spoke.

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