Famine...: Part 2 (mature content warning)

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Jae and I were out at the grocery store and I was feeling weird, I didn't feel right as I stood at the checkout with her and the whole ride back.

As we put the groceries away I sat at the kitchen table. Dean, Jack, and Cas were gone out to lunch.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jae asked softly.

"I don't feel good today... I don't know why." I said as I rubbed my head tenderly, trying to get the ache there to subside.

"I'm sorry, do you want me to make you anything?" Jae asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

"What do you feel like?" She asked as she knelt next to me and put her hands on my wrists, taking then away from my forehead as she gently pressed her thumbs against my head, massaging me gently and helping the headache I had more than I was.

I suddenly felt a wave of want for her come over me and I opened my eyes to look down at her.

"You." I said softly.

She smirked up at me, "Oh, really?" She teased softly.

"Yes." I said breathlessly as I grabbed her face in my hands and forced her lips against mine.

She hadn't expected that and as I kissed her more rough than I ever had she pushed away from me gently, I separated from her lips and moved to grab her around the waist, pulling her up as I stood and backing her up against the kitchen counter, not caring to be gentle as she looked at me, a little concerned.

"Sam, woah. Slow down." She said.

I wanted her so bad that I couldn't stop or even listen to her as I kissed her again and she pushed away from me, forcing my lips away from hers.

"Sam, what's wrong with you?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said, kissing her again.

She tried to push me away and I shoved her back into the wall hard as she sat on the counter, forcing her away from me, she hit her head on the corner of the cupboards above her head and grunted in pain and shock as she looked at me, stunned and a little scared.

I tore off my jacket and threw it away from me as I lunged for her again and kissed her hard.

She tried to push me away but I didn't even feel it or care as I felt my heart beat faster in my chest, I wanted her right now, I wanted to taste more than just her lips.

I moved to her neck and pulled her flannel and T-shirt away from her shoulder as I moved to kiss her there. I could have almost felt the blood pumping inside her and I wanted to have it, I wanted it so I could feel powerful again, like nothing could stop me.

I bit her, hard until I tasted her blood, ecstasy rushing over me as I tasted it, but I didn't feel the power I thought I would and then I realized that she was fighting me, trying to shove me off her and struggling as I held her tight against me and the wall.

I suddenly realized what I'd done and moved back away from her, her blood on my face and her shoulder bleeding with the bite I gave her.

She was terrified as I stepped back, looking at her, not believeing what I had just done.

She moved off the counter hurriedly and put a hand to her shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding as I stared in stunned silence at her.

She moved away from me, the look she gave me tore my heart out, she was completely horrified and looked at me like I'd just raped her, which I basically had, I'd never been that rough with her or ever wanted to. And what hurt more was that she looked at me like she'd looked at the demon who'd raped her as a kid, I could only imagine how she felt. I'd promised to never treat her like I just did and I had, I was the one person she'd trusted with that story of when she was institutionalized and I'd treated her just like her therapist had.

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