To Hell And Back...: Part 5 (smut warning)

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Jae grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the country club, the hell hounds gone for the day until night fell again. I could walk on my leg, it had been painful with the bullet inside and it still was, but not even close to as bad, although I did walk with a limp.

She lead me to a small barn out back for weddings for privacy and a place to argue without anyone overhearing and as we got inside I pulled her into an office to the right, closing the door behind us.

"Sam, I'm doing this. I'm not letting anyone die when they don't have to." Jae said sternly.

"Jae, I'm not letting you." I said back.

"Why not!?" She asked, raising her voice to a shout.

"Because I don't want you risking yourself everytime we are in a situation like this!" I shouted back.

"And I'm just supposed to let you or Dean or someone else handle it when you could get hurt or killed!?" She asked loudly.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"No, Sam!" Jae shouted.

I grabbed her by the arms and shoved her against the wall.

"Just stop!" I said loudly and sternly.

She looked at me, defiance in her eyes as I looked at her, stern anger in mine.

I looked down at her lips as she looked at me and then leaned in all at once, kissing her roughly as she did the same, my tongue and hers fighting for dominance inside our mouths as we kissed.

Jae tore my flannel off and pulled my shirt over my head as I pulled her tank top off, squeezing her breast roughly as I kissed her on the shoulder hard, sucking and biting her skin as she grunted softly. She unbuckled my belt, forcing my jeans and boxers down as I pulled her jeans off and her panties too, grabbing her ass and wrapped an arm around her as I held her tight against me and forced my erection inside her a she gasped and moaned loudly.

I grunted as I stumbled back into the chair behind me in the office and held her in my lap as I thrusted up into her and pulled her down onto me as she clutched at my back and her nails bit into my skin slightly. I gritted my teeth as I moved in and out of her.

I grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled roughly, making her groan softly as I pulled her head back and kissed her neck roughly. She put her hands up to my face and pulled me away from her neck as I loosened my grip on her hair, allowing her to sit up a little more. She lifted my head up a little to look up at her and she kissed me roughly, biting my lip and pulling as she moved to my jawline and earlobe, nipping and licking there as I closed my eyes, thrusting hard up into her again as she let out a moan in my ear that turned me on.

I stood, holding her against me as she wrapped her legs around my waist and held onto my back and shoulder as I held her under the ass. I backed her up into the wall and against the table there as I sat her down on top of it, kissing her neck again as I thrusted into her hard again. She gasped and held onto my shoulder and waist as I pushed into her roughly again. I pulled out of her and kissed her face roughly, pushing three fingers inside her and pushing them in and out of her as she closed her eyes, resting her head back on the table as I pumped in and out of her.

She wrapped a hand around my erection and I groaned softly as she sat up and pumped me hard, grabbing my wrist and taking my fingers out of her as she backed me up against the wall, kneeling and putting my erection in her mouth.

I gasped as she sucked and licked my erection and turned me on even more. I pushed her away from me when I wasn't sure I could take much more and crawled on top of her where I pushed her on her back on the floor, kissing down her stomach and to her sex where I licked her there and she moaned softly. I chewed her out and she laced her fingers in my hair, moaning and gasping as I continued to lick and suck on her.

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