Run for Your Life...: Part 4

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We'd found Terminator and got information from a woman in an office building he'd been talking to that he was attending an office party that Saturday at nine. We didn't even have to drive there, Jae had just called up the company and spoken to her over the phone, fabricating a story about an ex husband and three kids without their father and she told her exactly what we needed to know.

It had made Dean nearly start laughing nonstop when she started to cry over the phone, telling the story to the woman on the line how her husband, in this case Terminator, had left without warning and left her and her three kids, Cas, Jack, and Dean, alone and without any money to live on.

She was good, incredibly good. Now she had the woman at the desk thinking the man she talked to was a husband who walked out on his family and Jae was out to get revenge on him at the party and the receptionist was all in, offering to help, which Jae refused, but she believed her story whole heartedly.

"So, we need to get everything together, I need to go get a dress, and we need to take precautions." Jae said.

"Okay, we'll get everything ready." Dean said.

"What precautions do you want?" Cas asked.

"All your guns packed with bullets with my symbol, carve it into the chains in the dungeon too, and mark it on the floor, I'll help when I get back." Jae said.

I put an arm around her and kissed her gently as she kissed me back, taking the keys to a car in the garage and leaving to find a dress for the office party.

When we had everything ready and Jae came back she got a dress that was very uncomfortable for me. She'd researched the office party and found out it was for all the business men to cheat on their wives for a night, it was a stripper party just for them, and visitors were expected to dress like they would at a stripper club, especially the women.

Jae tried on her dress for me in our room and I loved it on her as long as it was for my eyes only, but it wasn't, it would make her the center of attention at the party and all the other men would lust after her, I hated it.

She came out of the bathroom in the dress, it was a silky looking pink with noodle straps that cut down low to show her cleavage and the skirt short enough to show a little more of her leg than mid thigh. The dress fit her well and showed her skinny and toned figure and her tan skin and it made me crazy she'd have to go out like that.

I pulled her to sit down next to me as I pulled her close, kissing her neck and shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek gently as I gently rested her back on the mattress, holding myself over her as I looked down into her...

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I pulled her to sit down next to me as I pulled her close, kissing her neck and shoulder as she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek gently as I gently rested her back on the mattress, holding myself over her as I looked down into her eyes.

"God dammit, sometimes I hate how you're so gorgeous." I groaned softly as I kissed her neck again and she laughed softly.

"Ouch." She chuckled as I looked at her again.

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