Can We Start Over?...: Part 3

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I pulled up to the restaurant early, wanting to be here to meet her before she got here. I turned off the car and pulled the visor down from the ceiling, opening the mirror on it and making sure my hair was good, checking my teeth and my job with shaving before I came, making sure I didn't miss anything again.

I closed the mirror and put up the visor, suddenly feeling so much more nervous than I had been before.

I called Dean and he picked up almost instantly.

"Sa-" I cut him off, talking immediately.

"Dean. I can't do this. What if I say something stupid and embarrass myself? What if I do something to hurt her or say something... You know what I'm just going to leave. She probably isn't even coming." I said hurriedly.

"Sam, don't you dare come back here or leave that restaurant without going on that date. If you do I swear to God I will hunt your ass down and give you the worst beating you'll ever experience. Now just stop thinking so much and jump in." Dean threatened.

I nodded to myself.

"Okay... But-" Dean stopped me.

"Just shut up and go!" He said loudly through the phone.

I hung up and put my phone in my suit coat pocket, getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant as I waited in the fancy waiting room for Jae.

I sat down but then felt too restricted and started getting more nervous so I stood up and paced back and forth across the waiting room, the man standing at the small desk watched me pace but I didn't even notice or really care, I was too nervous.

"I haven't seen anyone so nervous since the mayor was here meeting the president, which was never... Who are you meeting?" He asked.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and then took them out, not knowing what to do with my hands.

"My ex." I said quickly.

He whistled, raising his eyebrows, "I'd be about ready to pull my hair out too, bud. How bad is she?" He asked.

"No, no. She's not bad, I was the reason we broke up, she's amazing... I'm just afraid I'll screw it all up again." I said.

"What did you do to screw things up the first time?" He asked.

"A miss understanding. I kinda exploded over things she did without really thinking why she did them." I explained, still pacing.

"Hey. She agreed to go out with you again, so that means she wants to give you a chance... Unless she's the type to come only to call you out in front of everyone." He said. Looking at me to confirm or deny that she would be the type to do something like that.

I shook my head hurriedly, "No, she wouldn't do that. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet." I said.

He nodded, "Then you've got nothing to worry about... If you want some advice just address the elephant in the room right up front, tell her you're sorry and how you felt coming here tonight, if they were good feelings at least, then she might open up to you a little too." He said.

A hostess who'd been standing behind him the whole time who ushered dinner guests to their table nodded.

"And she's probably as scared out of her mind as you are. Just act like it's a first date, don't try to talk about how things used to be cause that could lead her thinking down all the wrong paths, like you want things to be like they were or she needs to change for you or whatever, just let he be herself and you be yourself." She said.

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