13:|Night Out Part 1

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Being in Georgia now to get ready and film for our new movie Captain America Civil War, we all decided to go out and celebrate and just have some fun before we actually start to get into hard work. We decided on going to a bar that also does kareoke on this particular night.

I was in my room in mine and Chris's shared apartment with Khloe was here as well. I was fully dressed in a nice long sleeved casual black dress, and red heels to add some color with my hair down and straightened. I stood in front of my mirror putting on a tad bit of makeup for the natural look to make myself look at least a little decent.

Putting on my favorite brown lipstick, Khloe walked into the room with the door already open "Hey sexy Lady" she sang

I looked at her through the mirror "Don't start singing Gangnam Style to me"

She giggled "Only wanted to ask if I look okay" doing a little spin for me.

Getting a look at her outfit, we almost looked like twins as she had a black dress with pink heels. Make up on fleek, and hair brushed nicely.

"Looking good!" but then again she always does! She is very pretty!

I could tell she was looking at the way I looked "Same goes for you!"

"Thanks" I mumbled, going for the last touch; mascara

"I am really excited about tonight" Khloe smiled just thinking about it

"Me too" it was nice to be going out with all of us "should be fun"

I should've known what she was going to bring up next "And you missy are singing tonight"

"In front of people?" I questioned, turning around to really face her instead of through a mirror. I'm used to singing in a booth for a movie and then lipsyncing it for a movie or show, not actually on a stage in front of people watching me.

"Well," She looked at me as if to say Duh "Yeah"

"I'm going to pass on that" I loved to sing however I can get shy about my singing voice

"Just once have fun and sing!" she enjoyed hearing me sing; she thought I was that good, when she checked he phone, making a face

"What?" I questioned her, was something wrong?

"Chris texted me from the living room" she shook her head giggling before shouting out down the hallway "Yes, we are ready!"

The place wasn't too far from where our apartment complex was, so why drive to only have to look for a spot for an hour or call an unnecessary uber. Khloe had her arm linked with Chris while I was walking on the side of Chris.

Getting to our destination at The Refinery Tavern, the three of us headed inside and go right for the bar that was calling our names. I spotted an all too familiar blonde hottie next to Robert Downey Jr. Her back was towards me when I decided to wrap my arms around her.

She didn't even flinch nor have to look back to realize who it was "Hey, Wifey"

"I missed you, Love" I told her

Letting go, Scarlett spun around in her stool "I missed you too!" before acknowledging Robert.

"Hey, Dad" I joked; he was my on screen father in a movie we done a while ago.

He smiled so big, standing up to give me a big bear hug and kiss on the cheek "Hey daughter, so good to see you again" it's been sometime since we seen each other.

"You too" I pulled away, leaning on Scarlett "How is the wife and kids?"

"They are doing great. I miss them already" Robert admitted

I nodded understanding, the downside of having a job like ours is being away from loved ones for months. It's been a while since I seen Jensen and our parents.

Opening my mouth to say something else, Christopher's voice as heard "Keeley"

Hearing my name I spun to him to see that he was waving for me to walk over to him.

Obeying my bestie I did just that, not really noticing my surroundings or who was standing by. I had my eyes on my best friend. "What's up?" I wondered, going to stand right beside him.

"You two haven't had a proper introduction yet so I figured now is good time. This is who I told you about. One of my favorite girls in the world, Keeley Ackles!" he introduced me. "Keeley finally meet Sebastian Stan" Chris pointed to the person who was standing in front of him

My heart skipped a beat as I realized that he was standing right in front of me.

Holy Shit!!!

As if it was like a cheesy cliché scene in a movie, Sebastian and I looked into each other's eyes and everyone around us faded into the darkness. My heart leaped all the way into my throat as butterflies flew out of one large cocoon in my stomach that traveled all the way down to my knees causing them to go weak.

Because that happened, I collapsed almost meeting the floor below me, but before that could happen Sebastian beat Chris to it catching me in his strong arms, lifting my back up.

Having the feeling of him touching me, my senses tingled filling me with warmth along with a tiny light that ignited something in me causing my soul to fly. It felt sensational.

I felt my cheeks going red in embarrassment, Chris and Sebastian were asking if I was okay.

Nodding, I got my balance back while he let go of me "Yeah I am okay!"

I don't even know what happened or why. This never happened to me before.

Through the corner of my eye Elizabeth came to view yet Sebastian and I stood smiling at each other

That was until she opened her mouth to whoever she was announcing this too "And the future bride and groom meet!"

My eyes grew wide as I kicked her leg trying to make it not so noticeable.

"Ow!" she cried out laughing

Sebastian kept smiling at me "Nice to finally meet you, Keeley"

I felt heat rushing to my face cheeks. I must have been blushing like an idiot. His smile seemed to make me melt, well it even did that through the dam tv screen when I watch things he has been in especially the Once Upon A Time. Forcing my throat box to speak back, I sweetly replied "Nice to meet you, too!"

Chris spoke up, adding in "Keeley has been waiting a long time!" I wanted to smack him upside his head. I mean it was a long time over due Chris and him known him for a long time now and our schedules never collided to meet till now.

"Oh is that so?" he wondered

"Yeah, not every day you can meet your celebrity crush" I can hear the joy in Khloe's voice

Was this 'embarrass Keeley' night? I need to stop telling people things especially celebrities who I happen to have a crush on. I mean I have a crush on others, but for the love of God he is attractive!!!!!! There will come a time I hope to embarrass them so hardcore!

My face had to be completely red by now. Not by anger but pure embarrassment. I get shy around men especially when they know something like this and I can become akward. I always been like that.

I grabbed onto my best friend's arm as he knew how I was getting "What would you like to drink Keels?"

I looked up at him "Do you even have to ask?"

He knew me well

"Long Island Iced Tea?" Chris just wanted to make sure

"Yup" it was one of my favorites "Excuse me for a moment" I grabbed Khloe and went to walk away, but before I did that I turned back around. Chris and Sebatian's eyes were still on me "And don't drink most of it on me before I get back, Chris!"

He smiled innocently "Have I ever done that?"
I shot him a lot. I mean he has done that a lot with our coffees in the past.

Christopher chuckled my way "Get back before it's made then"

I rolled my eyes at him as I took off, Khloe following me. I still had her arm.

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