167:|Musical Beers

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Today Tom was on Jimmy Falllon to promote Spiderman, but that's not all...on his show he has you do games or skits. This time after all the talking and at his desk Tom and Jimmy moved on to a different area, standing in front of a huge blue round table with 4 red cups spread apart.

After the commercial break, Tom stood by his side waiting for Jimmy to explain the game.

There is more....Rob, Seb and myself were invited to come join in on the game. Luckily Rob was in NY doing interviews for Spiderman as well as long with Seb and me being in NY for the weekend before flying off to do a movie.

We were waiting to be called out.

"We are going to play a round of musical beers, but we are going to need a few more players" Jimmy paused for a quick moment "joining us from Iron Man, Winter Soldier, and Crimson shadow"

That was our que to come out.

The crowd went wild to see Robert walk out like Tony Stark; hand in the air with a peace sign and a smile on his lips, followed by me smiling with a little wave.

Last walked out Sebastian looking ready to play the game as he aggressively unbuttoned his suit jacket.

All I could do was smile, shaking my head at the man I happen to love.

Jimmy continued so that we all know what we are doing. "The game works like musical chairs but instead of diving into empty chairs we are grabbing cups of beer. When the music stops, one person will be left empty handed. They are out of the game and have to hang out with DJ Jonathan. We are going to do four rounds. The last one standing is the musical beers champion. Spread yourself out and get ready"

The 5 of us made our way around the table, finding our own space.

"Wait, which way are we walking?" I wondered outloud. There were many of us I had to be sure so I wouldn't bump into anyone.

Jimmy pointed in the direction I was already facing "That way!"

Got it!


We all nodded waiting to begin.

All of a sudden, Circus clown like music began to play.

That was our que to start speed walking around the table.

"Don't look at me" Jimmy giggled when Tom was practically behind him grabbing the cups as he passed by them.

"Stop touching the cups" Robert ordered catching him in the act.

"Tom, that's cheating!" I was on Rob,'s side with that Nobody else was doing that.

Tom only laughed, continuing to go around the table.

I wasn't the only one who was nervous to be out of the game; eyeing the 4 cups hoping to get one.

When the silly music shut off, having me be directly in front of a cup. I tried my best to have a quick reflex being able to grab one along with Sebastian, Jimmy and Robert.

Tom wasnt able to get one "oh come on!" he slammed the table, being ashamed to be the first loser.

"Aw, Tom we love you" I hugged him tight feeling bad about it, yet happy for myself

Sebastian on the other hand had a different thing to say "Ha, you are out, boy!"

Difference between a mom and a dad.

Tom stuck his tongue at him, walking back towards the DJ.

With 1 cup gone and 4 of us remain, there were 3 cups.

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