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KeeleyAckles: What? Charlie is back?!?! What was your reaction to seeing her again in tonights episode? #SquadGoals #SupernaturalFinaleS12

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KeeleyAckles: What? Charlie is back?!?! What was your reaction to seeing her again in tonights episode? 
#SquadGoals #SupernaturalFinaleS12

Liked by Misha, JaredPadalecki, and 119M Others | 101.4M Comments

ImSebastianStan: I didn't have a reaction since I was there when you filmed it, but I remember watching in amazement of how great of an actress you are

Username1: ⤴️ Sebastian was on the Supernatural set?

Username2: ⤴️ Aww that is cute ❤

Username3: ⤴️ She is a great actress I agree

Username4: Misha looks adorable omfg

DanneelAckles: I was happy and this surely is squad goals

Username5: Favorite crew🖤

Username6: Ahhh so cute

JaredPadalecki: I was just glad to have you back to prank you and mess you up!

Username7: ⤴️ Typical moose

JensenAckles: I was not surprised lol

Username8: ⤴️ Aww

Misha: My reaction was pure excitement, My unicorn

PrattPrattPratt: My reaction was kill her off again

Username9: The best of the best

Username10: Spn the show that will never end

Username11: Im screeching

TomHolland2013: Spoiler!!! I am only on Season 4 I need to catch up

ChrisEvans: I was happily surprised. I had no idea you were filming for it you told me you were just visiting them

KhloeEvans: ⤴️ Same

Renner4Real: Should I watch the show?

Username12: ⤴️ Yes!!!!

Username13: ⤴️ Its good!

Username14: ⤴️ I hightly recommend it

RealScarJo: Yes wifey, loved it

RobertDowneyJr: I would be surprised if I watched the show

ElizabethOlsen: I jumped off my seat in excitement even though I knew you were coming back

AnthonyMackie: Disappointed tbh hahaha

Username15: Love love Charlie

Username16: So good to have Charlie back

Username17: I cried I was so happy

Username18: The fandom missed Charlie

Username19: Yaaasssssssss

Username20: Happy to see all of you back

Username21: Charlieeeeeeee

Username22: I fell of my couch I was shocked

Username23: I woke up my entire house when it was revealed

Username24: Screaming was my reaction

Username25: Ya'll glowing

Username26: The "died and somehow came back" club

Username27: I missed you on spn

Username28: The Charlie and Cas reunion though

Username29: I wonder if they really know how much it means to the fans to see all of these faces together

Username30: I see dead people

Username31: @Username30 Because they all died

Username32: If you are going to be on spn you have to die and come back at least once

Username33: It was a great finale

Username34: I screamed yes Charlie is back

Username35: Cas looks so happy to have his Charlie back alive

Username36: It was so good to have you back

Username37: Charlie is my favorite

Username38: I loved it don't let Charlie die ever again

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