112:|Phone Call

834 16 0

"Hey Tom"


"Is something wrong?"

"Its Keeley"

"Keeley? Is she ok?"

"No, she is in the hospital"

"What?! What happened?!"

"She was filming a scene and the harness she was on snapped. She fell and was rushed to the Hospital immediately"

"How could that happen? How is she doing?What's wrong with her?" 

"I'm not sure. The doctor has told me nothing. She is getting prepped up for surgery as we speak"

"I'm booking a flight out now. Thanks for letting 1me know"

"Call me when you get here"

Once the call ended Sebastian was panicking. He rushed to book a flight on his laptop. It felt like his whole world came crashing down. He felt sick with worry bubbling up in the pit of his stomach from the news.

He didn't even know if she was going to be okay. He needed to get there and be with her. Trying to find the strength to calm down, he knew he would have to let her family know and even Chris.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now