62:| Celebration

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We were in Sebastian's apartment hanging out for some alone time before these last couple days on set to finish the movie. We will be spending a lot of time on set filming and refilming a few scenes to wrap up. So here the two of us were, enjoying our time in the apartment.

Seb suddenly stood up, but didn't let go of my hand "May I have this dance, Miss Ackles?"

I pointed out, quietly "There's no music playing, Mr. Stan"

"I think I can fix that!" he replied helping to my feet "Alexa play Perfectly Perfect by Simple Plan" 

Music started to fill the room.

Sebastian took me into his arms in a safe embrace swaying me to the music when I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our eyes were fixed on each other letting the lyrics fill our ears. It was a beautiful song. "Any reason for this particular song?"

"I like it" He shrugged into me "and it's also how I feel about you, Babe"

Every day this man says and does these amazing things. It drives me crazy, in a good way.

My man started softly singing the lyrics "Maybe you'll never see in you what I see. The little things you do that make me go crazy. I'm not crazy. You're perfectly perfect to me"

I was biting my lip to keep the smile from forming, my ears listening to Seb singing the song, yes he can sing very well

When the song came to an end, we were pulled even closer; my head resting against his chest. 'Last night on Earth by Green Day' is what Alexa played next.

I was enjoying this moment so much, however I was having some feeling inside me that hit me "I don't want this night to end" It was the last night we could spend together 'alone' before being on set for the next couple of days.  After that, he's off to shoot another movie in LA and I'm going to Texas to see my family.

I would be a fool to think he didn't agree with that statement "You and me both" Seb noticed I was trembling and holding something back. He could see right through me. "What's wrong?" there was concern in his voice.

I thought I was hiding my feelings well "Do you have a sixth sense or something?"

"I know you, Keels" Seb pleaded "tell me!" he reached out one hand to place under my chin causing me look at him, leveling our eyes.

I sighed nervously in a whisper "I am getting sad that I wont see you for months after this is over and I kinda feel as if this is goodbye" I guess I needed to get this off my chest now.

"This is not goodbye" He tried to ease my worry.

"I just don't want all this to burn away once we have to go our separate ways" he could tell I was still uncertain.

Sebastian had to make me understand how serious he was about the two of us. I was a part of his life now "We have different lives and long distance sucks, I know you know that's a big reason why a lot of our past relationships didnt work but this between us will. We will make this work. I am going to Facetime, text, and call you every chance I get. I promise. Okay?" I slowly nodded hoping it was true. "I will not lose you. You mean too much to me"

Our faces inched closer, waiting for the moment that our lips connect. With closed eyes, Seb's lips lightly touched mine as our lips embraced in a sweet kiss until there was a vibration in his left pocket that kept going off.

I pulled away "Don't you want to see who keeps texting you?"

"No" he plainly said, going in for another kiss

"What if its important?" feeling another buzz happen.

He frowned, wanting to just keep on kiss me but glanced at his phone anyway. Looking at it, the person who was texting him was Chris "He wants us to come downstairs. He has news he wants to share with us"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now