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KhloePadalecki: Beautiful day to get some more wedding planning done

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KhloePadalecki: Beautiful day to get some more wedding planning done

Tagged: ChrisEvans

Liked by SallyWalker, ElizabethOlsen, and 113M Others | 101.1M Comments

ChrisEvans: 🖤🖤🖤

NowAndGen: I can't wait to talk about Wedding stuff when you get here!!

Username1: Such a pretty smile you have😍

Username2: You two are legit the cutest!

KeeleyAckles: So exciting 💙

ImSebastianStan: Chris is totally rocking out to his Disney playlist

KhloePadalecki: @ImSebastianStan Lmao like always, yes

Username3: I still can't believe you are getting married and to Chris Evans!

TomHolland2013: Have fun

Username4: Can I come?

AnthonyMackie: For girls it's fun...

KhloePadalecki: @AnthonyMackie Lol he is willingly helping me

Username5: My favorite couple💙💙

Username6: I want to be you😳

RobertDowneyJr: Ah yes the boys of wedding planning

KhloePadalecki: @RobertDowneyJr I sense the sarcasm lol but true

Renner4Real: Sounds like a fun day

Username7: I hope that you're not being a bridezilla to Chris

Username8: I don't want Chris to be off the market 😭

RealScarJo: Yay that's a productive day for what will be the best day of your life

ElizabethOlsen: Look at you glowing so beautifully bride to be

SallyWalker: On a mission to get it done, can't wait

DanneelAckles: It's getting closer ♥️

Username9: Keeley should be his wife why did he choose you?

Username10: You look so beautiful and happy🥰

Username11: Planning a wedding?...wait what did I miss? You're engaged???

Username12: One Sexy Couple

Username13: You and Chris deserve all the happiness in the world ♥️

Username14: Why are you so lucky?

Username15: We all wish to be in your place marrying a man like Chris

Username16: I love you, Khloe

Username17: My Chloe heart is content, my OTP forever

Username18: I still can't believe you guys are planning a wedding

Username19: I need Chloe fanfics asap

Username20: Let your fans crash your wedding lol

Username21: My Parents 💜💜

Username22: This is my King and Queen

Username23: Chris is a lucky guy

Username24: Sounds like fun..

Username25: You look so happy it warms my heart

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