170:|Cardboard Cutout

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I was grossly drenched in sweat from all of the gymnastic type moves I've been dong all day long for a scene. Being done for the day, all I wanted to do was take a nice long relaxing bath.

Getting to my trailer, I let myself inside only to be met with my boyfriend just standing there smiling, giving off an approve sign with his hand.

I let out a scream, going into the door for support with my hand going over my heart as if that would stop my heart from jolting out from under my ribcage and back in.

I wasnt expecting anyone to be in here
That wasnt all

I heard laughter coming from my couch.

Following the sound, there was Sebastian with his phone out recording my reaction as he was hysterical over what he witnessed just now.
Leaving him to enjoy himself, who couldn't stop from laughing, I turned my attention back to what scared the shit out of me. It took a second for my brain to process that it was a cardboard cutout of Sebastian "What the Hell?"

Seb wiped away the tears that came out of his eyes, as he stood up "Its me!"

I nodded, getting that it was "I can see that, why?"

"John and I" one of our costars "got bored and made this. He made one of himself too. I couldn't resist"

I don't even know what possessed them to even make them "You're not going to take this home with us are you?"

"Hell yeah I am" Seb was set on keeping himself "it is good for when i'm away from you because it will be like i'm still with you"

I chuckled, shaking my head "Okay..." trailing off

He smiled at his twin he made "I mean it wasn't my first choice, but I like it"

"What was your first choice?" should I even ask or want to know?

"You naked" He bluntly answered like no big deal

"Seb!" I sent him a look, smacking his chest

"What?" Seb giggled, telling the truth

Thank God he didn't really create that. I like this choice better "No one wants to see that!"

"I do!" He argued, not like he would show anybody "It would be only for me"

"Yeah well I have to get naked because I need a bath" I backed up, ready to strip down and get wet.

Seb started to follow me "Care for some company?"

I looked back at him to wonder "By company you don't mean the cardboard cutout do you?"

That got Sebastian to smile, getting ready go take off his shirt "No!"

That got Sebastian to smile, getting ready go take off his shirt "No!"

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