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Sebastian knew Keeley was out taking Tucker for a long walk. He on the other hand was relaxing after a long shoot due to a lot of running away from Chadwick for so many hours. He was also feeling slightly cranky and couldn't wait to see Keeley. It's all he looked forward to all day.

Seb had set his feet up onto the coffee table as he channel surfied when there was a knock at the door. He knew it couldn't be Keeley she would just let herself in.

Sighing, he got up slowly walking to the door with his leg muscles aching from every move. He didnt even bother looking through the little peep hole to see who it was.

What came next was an unexpected shock to him. Sebastian gulped in surprise to see his ex Margarita standing there smiling at him "Hi" she greeted ecstatically wrapped her arms around him tightly

"Oh Jesus!" Seb said to himself sarcastically not even hugging her back "just what I need right now!" What the hell was she doing here?He sighed aloud "How did you even know where I was staying?"

Pulling away, she crossed her arms to inform him "A friend saw you coming out of this complex a few times and let me know"

She pushed past him, looking around at the place.

He closed the door and followed her as she walked into the kitchen

"What are you doing here in Georgia?" Seb ignored that and questioned her again hoping that he wasn't her answer.

"I am here for a fashion show that my model friends are in; their first Victoria Secret show. I came for support, but I wanted to stop by to see you it's been too long." Margarita couldn't whip the smile on her face

"Why?" Is all he could come up with to say

"Why not?" She questioned back "I just want to chat" even though she had something else in mind

Sebastian didn't want her company right now "You came at a bad time"

"Can't we just talk?" Margarita hummed not wanting to leave yet

"Make it quick I am exhausted from filming" What he said was true. He in fact was tired, however he was only in the mood to talk to Keeley. "What could I do for you?

"There are a few things" She stepped closer to him while he was leaning against the counter, taking some pressure off his legs; his arms crossed close to his chest.

"If this is about you wanting to get back together my answer is no" Seb shot instantly

She sighed shaking her head "You dont mean that"

"I don't?" Seb's emotions were starting to be shown.

Margarita was so close to him now "I want you back"

"So I've heard" remembering the texts that Keeley received "and sorry to inform you but I dont want you back!"

"It is because of that girl Kelly?" She asked thinking she knew what that answer would be.

Seb sighed correcting "Its Keeley"

"Keeley, Kelly close enough" Margarita noted, but has been wanting to know since she found out through Instagram from stalking his page "Why didn't you mention her to me?"

His jaw clenched "Why would I do such a thing? It is none of your business"

"Because you lied to me!" She complained sadly, almost like a whiny little girl "You told me you didn't want to get back together at the moment because you need time for yourself. You're are too busy to be in a relationship because you don't see it working out. You said when the time is right we can try and work on us again! Then I hear that you are dating some girl"

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now